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Jorden hugged me close. She whispered in my ear.

"I'm surprised you said that in front of my parents."

"I'm full of surprises."

"Oh, I know. Also I love your hair. I can actually see your face."

I smiled at her and she smiled back. It was kinda cute. I could see little hearts in her eyes. Metaphorically of course.

"Ok enough talking, let us take the pictures already."

Me and jorden stood by the door and let her mom take the pictures. I probably made some stupid face in all the pictures, like I always do.

"Alright. You guys need to get going so your not late"

Her mom said with a smile. We walked out the doors and went into Jordens moms car. She drove us there listening to old 70s tunes. I was jamming out. I loved the 70s. If I wasnt wearing this, i would be wearing a Led zeppelin shirt. Gotta love Zeppelin. We stopped at the building they rented for prom.

"Well here it is. Call me when it's over. Dont go where your not supposed to, got it? And kyle, make sure shes safe and doesnt do anything stupid."

"I'll try to. Although you know jorden, if she wants to do something, shell do it. She doesnt care what anyone says."

Jorden elbowed me. Her mom laughed.

"Well hopefully she listens to you."

We got out of the car and started walking to the front doors of the building. I couldnt stop looking at jorden though. She was so beautiful. I can't stop thinking about the guys coming up to me and asking if I'm with her or how did I get her to like me. I'll always answer with the same way. "I dont know."

She turned to me and put her arm on my shoulder.

"This is going to be so much fun! I hope the girls dont make fun of me though. I know that they will probablysay something rude about how ugly I look or something."

"I dont think you'll have to worry about the girls. You'll have to worry about the guys all over you."

"Nah, I dont think so. I'm with you and they know that."

"Yeah they know that.."

I started to think. But they dont respect that. They will still go out of their way to hit on her when they know damn well I'm with her. I've seen this happen to friends which is sick but guys dont care. They just try to have sex and hit on everyone. I see why girls say we are pigs. But not all of us are like that. We just get shoved into that category because we are males.

We walked into the doors and the room was filled with suits and dresses. Everyone looked really good. It looked like the girls spent hours on their hair and makeup. I guess that's acceptable considering this is a big day. I can already see the guys looking at jorden. And it seems their dates arnt happy with that.

"Hey Kyle! Looking good!"

My friend eli shouted across the room. He came running up to us.

"Kyle, dude, I didnt know you would actually come."

Jorden jumped in.

"I made him. I wasnt go in mg to let him miss out on the fun."

Eli looked her up and down.

"Well I'm sure hes excited to dance with you. Who wouldnt want to dance with the prettiest girl in the room?"

I tried to change the subject.

"Hey jorden, where do you want to go to? I was planning on dancing awkwardly in the corner."

She smiled.

"Oh, I'm with you on that."

"I'll come with."

"I dont know eli, the girl your with doesnt look to happy."

"Oh. Pam? Oh shes fine. I dont really like her. Shes annoying, but hot. But I guess I show stay by her.. dont want her going off with some other guy. Becausethen I wont get some tonight if you know what I mean."

He elbowed me jokingly. Jorden kinda got a disgusted face but didnt say anything.

"Alright well we are heading over here. Have fun with pam, eli."

"Oh I will"

He turned around and walked alittle to cocky.

"I'm not going to lie babe, that guys kinda-"

"Gross? Disturbing? Annoying? Disrespectful? Yeah I know. Hes cool to me just not really to others."

"Oh I see."

We headed towards the corner. While some music came on.

"Kyle kyle kyle Kyle! Do you know this dance?"

"I dont know, I would have to hear the word first. It just started."

"Here, watch me do it."

She ran up to the front with all the people that know what they were doing. The song played out and everyone started dancing in sync. I recognized it now. It was "cupid shuffle" I always wished I could dance. Everyone else can do it. I watched as jorden really got into it. She was the best up there. My mouth dropped open when I watched her.

The song was finally over. She walked over to me smiling.

"Did I do good?"

"Good? You were the best up there. Where did you learn to dance like that?"

"Oh, my mom. She loves to dance. And I guess I got my moves from her."

"Apparently. "

Out of random she stopped talking and said.

"I'll be right back."

I shouted as she ran to the bathroom.


10 minutes passed and jorden wasnt back yet. Must have been an emergency. She walked out of the bathroom, looked around and found me.

"You've been there this entire time? "

"Yeah. Where else would I go? To the front stage? "

She chuckled.

"Maybe. I was hoping I'd walk out and see you on the middle of the stage with everyone backed up watching as you do some silly dance."

I laughed. She sat on my lap.

"I bet you were."

A slow song came on.

She jumped up.


I looked out nervously at the crowd all starting to gather together to dance with their dates.

"You know.. I'm not good at dancing."

"That's ok babe. None of those people are. They are just having fun."

I smiled and sat up.

"Alright. I'll do it. But I'm sorry in advance if I step on your feet."

"I'll suck it up."

We walked over to the dance floor with everyone else. She put her hands on my shoulders. And I put my hands on her waist.

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