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Jorden has been coming over almost every day since the first time she has came over. Usually we play games and eat a bunch of junk food.

Every time she comes over my breath is stolen out from my lungs. Shes perfect from her personality to the style of clothing she wears. Her favorite t shirt to wear is her gray "The Doors" shirt. It reads the date 1967 on the bottom of it.

Along with that she mostly wears black ripped Jeans with some beat up old chuck taylors. She wears a chain around her neck that looks like it has some rings around it. Ones that you would wear around your fingers. It was pretty cool.

We pretty much had the same style of clothing. Kinda punkish or maybe retro. She was my best friend at this point. I told her all my secrets and she told me hers. We were inseparable. I wish we were more than friends though, but I dont think she would date me. Shes way out of my league.

I went down stairs to make some popcorn. That seemed to be her favorite snack. I sat down at the kitchen table watching the popcorn spin in the microwave. My mom saw me from the living room and came out to the kitchen.

"Hey you."

"Hey mom. I'm just getting some popcorn. Is the sound of the poping ruining your show?"

She was watching "Friends". Shes watched that show so many times that even I know every line from the show.

"No, I got to talk to you about something...You like that girl, dont you?"
My face turned red.

"I mean shes pretty cool."
She gave me a loving smile.

"When are you going to make a move on her?"

"What? No I'm not going to do that. If I do, then I might scare her away. I'm not trying to do that."

"Kyle. I can tell you really like her. I mean who wouldnt? Have you not seen her eyes? She seems like a nice girl to. So you better atlest try to get her before she falls for someone that would just use her."
My mom's got a point.

"The thing is mom, truthfully, shes out of my league. "
My mom didnt like my word choices

"Oh shut your trap 'out of my league' my ass. you are a very handsome boy kyle. You know that."

"Not really."
The microwave screamed at me.

"Get your popcorn boy, and go make a move!"

I ran up the stairs with the popcorn in my hands. It burned. I opened the door and threw the bag onto the bed.

Jorden already had the counsel turned on and got a controller but this time she was sitting on the floor.

The curtains were closed and the lights were off. But my TV was shining bright. It kinda hurt my eyes.

I picked up the popcorn off the bed and opened it. I could smell the greasy butter.

I took a seat next to her on the floor. She put the popcorn between us. We both went for a piece and we touched hands.

A bolt of electric shock sneaked up my arm. I blushed. I moved my hand away from the bag.

"I'm sorry, I didnt mean to-"

"Its ok"
She interrupted softly.

For the remaining of the time neither of us even touched the popcorn. It was kinda awkward but we still had fun. It was that time again. The digital clock flickered 8:00. She opened the window and climbed out.

I cant shake the thought out of my head of the shock. It was new to me. It happened everytime we touched. It wasn't a bad thing. Just...different.

I locked my window and leaned against the side of my wall. I slid down to a sitting position. What am I feeling anymore? What is this feeling? Feeling of falling? Dont get yourself all worked up about things. Calm down.

I took off my glasses and set them down on the countertop. I passed by my window. I backed up. The light was on in Jordan's room. I could see her coughing in the corner of her bed. It didnt look to good.

She was just fine a minute ago. Why does she look sick now? Hm.. I crouched my eyebrows and got into the shower.

After I got out I was looking the mirror, noticing my face looked alittle shadowed around my upper lip and my chin. I'll shave in the morning. I put on my pjs and went to my bed.

I became curious and sat up from my bed. I looked out the window. Jordan's light was still on and she was still sitting in the same place I saw her last. Except this time, she wasn't coughing.

I put on my glasses and looked a bit closer. Her long black hair fell beside her face. She- she was crying. Why is she crying? What happened to her? Did her parents yell at her or something?

I couldnt keep watching her. That would be creepy if I did. But whatever happened to her, I felt bad. I closed my curtains so I wouldnt be tempted to keep checking on her to see if shes ok.

I might have not been watching her still but I was thinking about her. I hoped she was ok.

I layed on my side I reached and turned off my lamp. I crossed my arms like a mummy since that was comfortable for me to do and I slowly fell into a daze.

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