Smeared blood

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I managed to sneak back into my house with no noises. I plopped down onto my bed. Did that really happen? Did I really spend the night with jorden? It was hard to wrap my mind around the fact that I did.

It's not something I would do. I'm a good kid. Honestly its probably the most rebellious thing I've ever done. But I knew in my head that this is going to be a regular thing now, which excites me.

I felt more happy than I have in awhile. She makes me forget all my troubles, all my anxiety goes awhile. I wonder if she feels the same. Maybe she does. I would hope she does.

Theres something that still bothers me. I didnt ask her what happened yesterday. I completely forgot about it. I was to caught up in her asking me to spend the night.

It almost seemed like she was trying to change the subject. Trying to make me...forget. but I hadn't. How could I? It was one of the worse days I've ever had.

I still have so many questions. Should I ask? No...i already did and she said she was fine. Now that's starting to sound like a lie. She wouldnt lie to me though. Or I highly doubt she would lie.

Started thinking about the dream I had yesterday. "Rose's always die" jorden fading away. Me trying to reach out to her but my hands being stopped. It was a nightmare. The worst I've ever had. But maybe it meant something. No, I'm just overthinking. I always am.

It's been a week since this happened. Everyday I've been sneaking over her house at 1 to cuddle with her till I fall asleep. I loved it o much, just being there and getting to play with her hair and look into her glowing green eyes was the best feeling ever it was almost like those eyes numb my pain. I think she felt the same way as I do. I hate my eyes. I haven't once had anyone say they like my eyes.

I'm sure Jorden gets a lot of compliments. Which bothers me a lot I don't like other guys hitting on her and checking her out.

Yeah, sure those guys aren't the kind of guys she's into- or maybe they are. I've never asked her.

Am I the kind of guy that she likes or is she just going out with me because she thinks I'm safe. What if she's only going out with me because she thinks a guy that looks like me wont hurt her? Its a possibility.

I shouldn't over think about this but I can't help it. I can't help but wonder what other guys she's been with. I had to ask her. Because if I don't, I'm going to stress myself out thinking about it.

I checked my phone it was about the time I came over to Jorden's. Except this time, she's texted me a different thing.

"I need to tell you something. Come over I need to tell you in person."

I got a shiver down my spine. I had a feeling it wasn't good. I climbed out my window and started towards her house. I almost tripped and fell off my roof. That could have been bad. I climbed up the latter placed up against her window. I got up to the window and she opened it. I climbed in and hugged her.

"Hey kyle"

"Hey babe"
She blushed.
"Are you ok?"

"Hm? Oh yeah. I'm geussing you got my message."

"Yeah, I did. So what do you need to talk to me about?"

I tried to say it in a confident voice but she saw right through me. She knew I was nervous.

"Dont be nervous. It's nothing bad. I was just wondering if you would want to go to prom with me silly."

I became relieved.
"Oh crap, I completely forgot about prom. I'm sorry I didnt ask you first"

"Oh it's ok. I mean, I was waiting"

"I am so sorry jorden. I'll make it up to you"

"No no I was just kidding. I just figured that you would be to nervous to ask so I just did it myself. But it looks like you weren't nervous, just forgot about it."

"Yeah, in time you'll see that I forget alot."

"Oh i bet so"
She pushes me playfully
"You still havent answered my question though."

It took me a second to realize what she was talking about.
"Oh, yes. I would love to go."

"Ok good, so it's a date?"

"Its a date. Hey, I know this is a bad time to ask this but where's your bathroom?"

She laughed.
"Your lucky I have one connected to my room. Because you definitely dont want to go to the other one. That ones by my parents room. They cant know your here."
She pointed to the door that must be to her bathroom.

"I wish I had my own bathroom. That way I dont have to deal with my dad blowing up the bathroom."

"I was just about to warn you not to do the same"
I laughed.

"I'll try not to"

"You better not boy."

I shut the door as I laughed a bit. I loved how we teased eachother. It was cute. Even if it was about me going to the bathroom and stinking up the place.

Well you can definitely tell this was a girls bathroom. The walls were painted with a light pink. It smelled like lavender which isnt what I would suspect a bathroom to smell like. There was perfumes and girly soaps on the sink.

Oh this is beautiful, I found myself looking at her shower curtains which had a bunch of raccoons on it. I couldnt help but to laugh. It didnt much go with the rest of the room. My guess is that her mom decorated this room and the only thing jorden picked out for herself was the curtains. It's the only thing that seems like she did herself.

I got done with my business and went to go wash my hands. I walked over to the sink and turned on the water. As I was washing my hands I looked at the edge of the sink. I looked alittle closer and it looked like someone wiped up something. They smeared it a bit. What is that?....its- its blood...

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