Girl of my Dreams

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I was confused. What the hell just happened? Why would she run away? Did I really just kiss her? My brain blew up with questions that couldnt be answered. I can't be dreaming.

I looked around the theater knowing no one was there anyways. What should I do? I dont think I can do anything. I was frozen. I ended up sitting there for another 10 minutes before getting up.

This was going to be embarrassing going out of the theater without her. I walked out of the theater with my head down. I couldnt even look at the people that worked there. On my way out a older lady held the door for me

"Thanks ma'am"

"No problem kid"

I put my hands into my pockets, sure is cold out here. It was dark out and I had to walk all alone. I can't believe she did that. Was I that bad of a kisser?

Although I knew that wasn't the case. There was something seriously wrong. I walked all the way home by myself. Except before I walked into the house I saw jorden sitting in her garden crying.

I couldnt help but to go over there and ask.

"Hey Jordan, are you ok?"

"Yeah.. I'm ok. "

"If you dont mind me asking what happened?"

She didnt look like she wanted to tell me. She laid back on the cold hard dirt ground I sat down next to her, she sighed.

"I dont think i want to talk about it. I felt bad for running away. I hope you know I'm not a horrible person."

"Ah you know, it's ok. So you dont normally do this after you kiss guys?"
She smirked at me.

"No. This was different."

She moved over close to me and put her head on my lap. I put my hands into her hair.

"I'm still sorry for doing that. I guess I'm just really stressed out."

"I understand how you feel. I've been stressed lately too."

"No, its different than that. It's something that I can never fix. "

I didnt know what to say. I know she didnt want to talk about it but it was killing me to know.

"I'm sure everything will be ok."

"For now, I'm ok. Especially because I'm with you."
A weak smile came over her face.

"I got a question jordan"

"I got an answer"

"Ok, does this mean that we are dating?"
She smiled.

"Hell yeah"

My face turned red. She leaned over top of me and kissed me. A familiar electricity shocked my lips. She put her hands in my hair. I put my hands around her waist. The wind blew her black hair. This is the best.

After we stopped I got back up and went into my house. I closed the door behind me. No one was home. I started to do a little dance because I was excited that I was now dating the girl of my dreams.

She was way out of my league but I could tell she really likes me and as long as she likes me then I'm happy.

I went up stairs and took a shower. The warmth of the hot water felt good on my body. It was so cold outside that my nose started to run a bit. But the vapor cleared my nose right out.

After my shower I got on my pjs and went to bed. Gosh the blankets felt good.

I woke up feeling fresh as ever. I've never slept that good in my life. I rubbed my eyes and I suddenly remembered what happened yesterday.

Holy crap I wasn't dreaming was I? I looked out my window at Jordan's garden. I smiled at the thought of what happened. I heard my mom down stairs.

"Honey get your bum up out of bed if you already haven't. I've got a bacon omelet for you with your name on it."

"Yeah I'm up. Let me get dressed first."

I put on my light blue Jean's with my grey ACDC t-shirt on. I combed my hair a bit since it was all over in a unpleasant way.

I went down stairs and almost slipped on the last step. Proves how clumsy I am.

"Hey mom. The omelet smells great."

"I know. All my cooking smells good. Your in a happy mood today. Did something happen between you and your girly friend last night?"
I put my one leg behind the other one

"Jorden? Oh shes not my girlfriend. Why would you think that?"

"Well I can tell your in puppy love with that girl. You talk about her all the time. Plus I told you to make a move on her and I know that you will listen to me."

"Yeah well-"

*ring ring ring*

"Hello?" My mom answered the phone. "Yes, mhm, of course, I'll get right on that. Yep, I love you bye"

"Who was that?"
I had to ask.

"It was your grandmother. She wanted me to go get groceries for her and grandpa. I should probably do that before I go to work."

"Oh yeah, dont forget to get them milk!"

She was already out of the door. Well shoot it looks like I have to walk to school today. I got my shoes on and my coat. No more jackets. It's getting to cold for that.

The colder seasons suck because I can't wear my leather jackets anymore. I have to wear coats.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and headed towards school, but first I stopped at jordans house. We've been walking with eachother for a week now. We do it mostly for company. It can be lonely walking to school alone.

I knocked on her door. The door swung open a few seconds later. It was her mom.

"Hey Kyle. Jorden will be out in a second"

I saw jorden in the back running tourds her bathroom with her hands over her mouth. I looked back at her mom pretending like I wasn't just looking in their house. I smiled and tried to make small talk with her mom for a few minutes.

"So, my daughter is dating you huh?"
I didnt know what to say. I didnt know that she told her mom that we were dating.
"I'm just kidding. I know you two are close and all."

"Heh, yeah I guess you could say that"

"Hey kyle" jorden walked around her mom.

"Hi jorden. You ready to walk?"

"You betcha."

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