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Me and Jordan decided to watch a movie today. We are going to be watching a movie about a young boy that trains to be a jedi that fights evil that's in the universe. It didnt sound interesting to me but I was only going because Jordan was.

I put on my Ohio state t shirt on and my black jeans I dont even like sports. But I got it from my dad.

I loved seeing her smile and laugh. It makes my day. I knocked on her door and stood back she opened the door and smiled.

"Hey Kyle!"

"Hey are you excited?"

"Of course you know it"

Her dark hair was curled, unusual. She never curls her hair. She was dressed differently too. She usually dresses punk rock. Now she has a preppy black skirt on and a pink floral top. Maybe shes just excited to go to the movies...with me. Maybe she likes me back? I doubt she likes me the way I like her. I looked up at her,

"You ready?"

"Heck yeah"

We started walking to the theater since it was only two blocks away. As soon as we got there we got our slushies and headed to the room with the dumb movie. We sat in our seats. No one was in there except us.

"Looks like no one wanted to watch the movie" she said

"Yeah, we have the whole theater to ourselves"

"That might be a good thing"

She hugged my arm and cuddled up against me. My face turned cherry red. She felt really warm, there was a spark between us.

The previews began. She ate all the popcorn before the movie even started. For as much as she eats, you wouldnt think she was as in good shape as she is. But some people are just like that and I'm not one of them. I have to try to eat healthy.

A horror preview came across the screen and she buried her face in my arm her hair fell to the side facing the screen.

I looked at her and smiled at her. It was kinda cute how she was scared of the preview.

"Dont worry, I protect you from the evil screen"

She smiled and looked up at me with her green eyes. She looked perfect. Her face was getting rosie red. She would have looked even better if she wore her regular clothes. It was cute that she was trying to look good though.

I almost went for a kiss. But she turned her head before I could go to make a move. Does she not want to kiss? Maybe this is wrong timing.

I turned my head to look at the exit off the room. I almost felt like running out of there until I felt a warm hand grab my face she turned my face towards her and kissed me.

Time stopped, I couldnt hear anything around me even my heart stop beating for a moment. There was a spark of electricity through her lips. It felt like I wasn't even on earth at this point. I've kissed before, and it never felt this good.

She pulled away blushing, her wide green eyes stared at me. Her face was in shock. By the way she looked at me I could tell something was about to happen. Nothing good.

She suddenly got up and ran. She ran right out of the theater. Without a word.

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