Truth or Dare!!! 01

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Each and every one in the Avengers Tower were having a tedious day, no missions, no troubles; just laying around on the sectional like a lazy cat/dog.

The Avengers and also Loki are inside the living room, as always Steve reading a random book, Tony resting on Steve's lap, Natasha cleaning her guns, Clint laying on the floor (I don't know what he was doing there), Bruce staring blankly at the window, Thor playing with Loki's hair and of course Loki got displeased.

Loki : "THOR STOP IT!!" He said through his gritted teeth.

Thor : "I am sorry brother, it is just that I am bored "

Loki : "First of all, I am NOT your brother and secondly, go disturb someone else hair other than me *cough*orothermaideninmidgard*cough*"

Thor : "Pardon, what was the last one, Loki ?"

Loki : "nothing...."and looked away.

It was still quiet until Tony got a brilliant idea. An idea that could ruin someone dignity.

Tony : "hey, lets play Truth or Dare!!" He beamed excitedly.

Clint : "Finally something to do!!!" he got himself up, walk to where Natasha is and sat beside her.

Natasha : "I'm in" she put her guns away in her bag which is set next to her.

Bruce : "me too" he sit at the other side of the sectional.

Thor : "I too want to join! do you want to come, Loki ?" he turns to Loki with sparkles on his eyes.

Loki : " *sigh* Whatever...."

Thor smiled and grabbed Loki's hand, dragging him to where the other members are. Tony straighten up but still sitting beside Steve.

Tony : "Wanna join, cap ?"

Steve : "Ummm sure " he closed his book and put it aside.

Thor : "How do you, Midgardians, play this game ?"

Bruce : "Easy, if you choose 'Truth' you will tell us the truth no lies and if you choose 'Dare' you will do what we say "

Thor : "Ah I see!!"

Loki : "Very interesting" he grinned.

Clint : "Wait, we need an empty bottle first!"

Natasha : "I'll go get it" she stood and went to the kitchen; after a few second later she came back with an empty beer bottle.

Clint : "that's fast" he said, quiet stunned from how fast she came back. Moreover the bottle she's holding was clearly new. She might've drank it on her way here.

Natasha : "well I don't wanna miss the game " she sat beside Clint and handed the empty bottle to Tony.

Tony : "ok than lets begin!!" he spin the bottle and stopped at Thor.

Tony : "Ok Thor, Truth or Dare ?"

Thor : "I shall choose....."

Clint : "please choose dare, please choose dare....." he whisper to himself.

Thor : "Truth!"

Clint : "Dammit!" He grumbled.

Tony : "well since you choose it true that you still love Jane Foster ?" with a grin and look at Loki who was in Deep.Deep.Deep.Darkness.

Thor : "Ummm.....No I do not" he looked panic when he saw Loki was looking down staring at the floor.

Tony : " are you sure~?" teasing Thor.

Thor : "I-Indeed!"

Bruce : "but you hesitate"

Thor : "No!! I speak the truth, I do not love her anymore" facing Loki with a soft smile.

Thor : "there's no man nor woman could ever change my deep attraction toward Loki" he confessed to the man who's face flushed pink.

Clint : "yeah right~" he grin and rolled his eyes.

Tony : "Ok your turn to spin, Thor" he gave the bottle to Thor.

Thor spin the bottle and eventually....The bottle flew outside the window.

Tony : "What The Fu-" he stopped when he heard his son called him and Steve.

Peter : "PAPA DADDY!!!" running toward his daddies.

Tony : " Fudge..." he couldn't hold his word so he just let out something else other than F**k.

Peter : "FUDGE!!!" with determination in his eyes.

Peter : "Papa daddy can I have a Chocolate Fudge, can I, can I, can I!!!" He squeal in excitement, jumping at the exact spot he's standing.

Clint : "Wow slow down kid "

Steve : "sure thing, sweetheart"

Tony : "Wait do we even have Chocolate Fudge ? "he whisper to Steve.

Steve : "I think....." he whisper back. He did bake brownies this morning with bruce so certainly there must be inside the fridge.

Even though Natasha couldn't hear the conversation, she's really good at reading lips.

Natasha : "come here, sweety" she sweetly said whilst lifting the little boy up, heading to the kitchen to get themselves a treat.

Clint : "Wait, theres CHOCOLATE FUDGES!? " eyes widen.

Clint : "I'm coming with you, Nat!!!" he ran to the kitchen with Peter and Natasha.

Bruce soon followed as the agent left the room to the kitchen.

Tony : "I'll go get another bottle oh and JARVIS can you tell pep that we have a broken window "

JARVIS : "Certainly, sir"

A/N : I'm sorry that the game was short (-~-°) but I promise I'll continue with Natasha, Clint, Loki, Steve, Tony and Bruce in a another part. If you want to suggest 'Truth or Dare' for the characters (that will be the Avengers, Loki or any Agent of shield) you may leave it in the comment and if you enjoy this story give a vote (>w<)

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