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Wayo had spent the better part of his summer nursing his broken heart. He spent weeks in bed barely leaving his room. Even when Ming was able to convince him to leave the house, Wayo would just mope and complain wanting to go home. 

Finally, Wayo's father had had enough. 

"You're going to be 18 this year, it's time to start acting like it. I know you don't wish to discuss whatever is going on, but if you don't pull yourself together soon, you will force me to make certain decisions" Wayo's father stated plainly before leaving Wayo alone.

Wayo knew what that meant. He would be sent abroad. His father may have given him everything he wanted, but he had his limits too. 

Wayo passed the next few days thinking about his future. He had spent so much time dreaming about Phana the last 3 years, he'd barely put any effort into his schoolwork or music. After a few more talks with his father, and even more than enough lectures from his best friend of 10 years Ming, Wayo decided it was time to concentrate on himself.

The following year was Wayo's senior year of high school, and he wanted it to be filled with good memories. Determined to put the Phana behind him, Wayo studied hard and dedicated much of his time to his music. He made sure to fill his days with so much, that he wouldn't have time to think about Phana. 

Gradually, Wayo focused on happier things. He became more passionate about his music playing. His schoolwork began to excel. He even noticed that his body had gone through some changes. His skin had cleared up and he had grown a few inches. He even decided to switch to wearing contacts. 

People at school often compliment him now. Wayo didn't feel quite so shy anymore. His confidence grew as the school year went by.

By the end of his Senior year, Wayo had graduated with honors in Mathematics and was awarded several times for his music compositions. This received him a full scholarship from the top university in the country. He would major in the Music and Arts Department, and after 2 years, minor in the Business Management Department. 

Wayo felt so proud of himself. He had achieved so much. He finally felt he had things to look forward to.

Naturally, being a true best friend, once Ming found out which college Wayo was attending, he applied to it and was accepted. Ming would study in the Engineering Department. Elated to know that his best friend would accompany him to college, Wayo felt like he could breathe easy. 

His life was coming together. The past year had been hard on him. He thought he would never get over Phana and the hurt Phana had caused him. But now, he was eager and ready to begin his adult life. 

He felt truly happy for the first time in a very long time.

Wayo's freshman year of college was to begin in less than a week. He still had a lot to do. As Wayo was packing his things, his phone rang. Knowing who it was, Wayo rolled his eyes and answered the call:

Ming ~ Almost done packing, because I'm done.

Wayo ~ Almost. Just trying to decide if there is anything else, I want to bring.

(Wayo said while gazing around his room stopping to look at his closet)

Ming ~ Just please tell me you're not bringing that shrine you have of Phana to school with you.

Wayo ~ Of course not, I put that away months ago, and you know it.

Ming ~ I know, but you should have thrown all those pictures away, and I just thou-

(Wayo cut Ming off)

Wayo ~ Leave it alone Ming, I've come really far. I'm proud of myself, please don't push me, ok?

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