After Texting Ming that he was ok, Wayo approached Park's door. He hesitantly knocked, then waited. 

As the door opened, he stood shocked at what he saw. Park's left eye and cheek were swollen black and blue. He wasn't sure why, but his first reaction was to lift his hand up to touch Park's cheek.

Park turned his face away from the contact.

Wayo pulled his hand back feeling hurt. He looked down. "I am so sorry", he whispered. "This is all my fault". Park stood in the doorway, looking at him. 

Wayo didn't know what else to say. After a few moments he heard Park speak, "Why Yo? Why didn't you just tell me you had someone? Keeping it from me, hurts more than my face does ".

Wayo shook his head "No, please listen. It's not like that. Let me just explain. I promise, I will tell you everything".

Park took a moment and looked at him skeptically, then he moved back allowing Wayo to enter. 

As soon as Wayo cleared the doorway, he began speaking incoherently. He was talking so fast he became out of breath.

Park walked up to him and grabbed his hand. 

"Shhhhhh... It's ok. Slowdown", Park cooed. Taking a gulp of air, Wayo nodded his head trying to slow his breathing. 

Park walked him over to the bed where they could sit. 

While Wayo's breathing steadied, Park asked, "Better? ...Now slowly explain to me why Phana would tell me to stay away from you, that you're ...his".

(Wayo was so distraught, he didn't notice the distain in Park's voice when he said the word 'his'.)

"That's just it. I'm not", Wayo answered defensively shaking his head. Park reached for Wayo cheek, his thumb caressing it. "There must be a reason. Everyone knows that he's the Campus Moon and has dated a lot of girls. Why would he go after you so vehemently all of the sudden?"

Wayo looked away and took a deep breath before he began.

"We've known each other since high school, ...I was in love with him", Wayo explained. He then recounted the events that happened while he was in high school and the conversation he overheard. 

A tear rolled down Wayo's cheek as he recalled the humiliation and heartbreak he had felt.

"It took me a long while to get over him, but I did", Wayo went on to say. "At least... I thought I did".

Park looked away hurt by Wayo's last comment making Wayo feel guilty. 

"When I started school here it was going to be a new beginning for me, I really had no idea he would be at this college. It shook me. I didn't know how to deal with it. And then...", Wayo hesitated, unsure if he should tell Park the rest.

"And then what Yo?", Park encouraged. Wayo looked down and shook his head vigorously. "I can't, I don't want you to hate me", he replied.

Park stood up and got Wayo a glass of water. "Here, drink this", he said handing the glass to Wayo. Wayo glanced up at Park as he took a few sips, then handed the glass back. Park put the glass on the table then sat back down next to Wayo on the bed. 

Taking Wayo's hands in his, he gave them a squeeze and declared, "I promise. I won't hate you".

Without giving any more detail then he had to, Wayo recounted everything that had occurred between him and Phana since he had gotten to college, including what occurred in his room and in the piano practice room.

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