Wayo and Park were sitting on Park's bed watching a movie, when Wayo's phone rang:

Wayo ~ Daddy?

Mr. Panitchayasawad ~ Son, are you alright?

Wayo ~ Yes Daddy, why wouldn't I be?

Mr. Panitchayasawad ~ That is you those boys are arguing over, isn't it?

('of course he knows', Wayo thought as he took a deep breath)

Wayo ~ Yes, but I didn't know about it until this morning.

Mr. Panitchayasawad ~ And who's side am I supposed to be taking, Son?

(Wayo looked over at Park)

Wayo ~ Why do you need to take anyone's side?

Mr. Panitchayasawad ~ I have taken steps to have the video taken down. I have also spoken with the Dean at your school and he assures me that anyone who had access to the video, will be required to delete it, or be expelled. You are my only concern. I don't know if you like either of these boys, but I hope if you do, you will tell me. I love you Son. You call me if you want or need anything, you understand?

Wayo ~ I love you too Daddy, and I will. Bye Bye

Wayo hung up the phone and crossed back over to the bed to sit next to Park, who was staring at the screen. Park picked up the remote and paused the movie, then smiled at him. Wayo was grateful Park didn't ask him any questions about his conversation with his dad.

"Hungry? Let's go grab some lunch", Park suggested as he hopped off the bed. Wayo gave him a big smile and nodded in agreement. "I could eat. Where should we go?" Wayo asked. Park wrapped his arms around Wayo's waist and cheerfully said, "Anywhere that would make you happy".

Wayo blushed. He looked up and pursed his lips challenging Park, "Sushi?"

Park laughed and responded, "I told you, whatever makes you happy". Wayo stilled, he wrapped his arms around Park's neck and leaned up on his tippy toes to plant a kiss on Park's lips. They both smiled.

Wayo pulled Park to the door.

"Come on, I'm hungry" Wayo said encouraging Park to hurry. They put their shoes on and walked down the hall towards the elevator. Park pushed the call button and smiled adoringly at Wayo while they waited for it to come.

As the elevator doors opened, Park's cell phone rang:

Park ~ Hello?

Secretary ~ Mr. Wongkrittiyarat, this is the Secretary to the Dean of students. We are requesting your presence in the Dean's office at 1pm to discuss the events that took place in the video that was uploaded to the campus website. We have already spoken to your father; he will be joining us as well. Please do not be late.

Park ~ I understand. Thank you.

Park ended the call and looked at Wayo. "I have to go to the Dean's office at 1pm about the video. Will you come?" Park asked hopeful. "I don't know. Is that something I should really do, I don't want to make matters worse", Wayo countered.

"If you don't want to, it's fine", Park answered defeated. Wayo looked at Park's face. The discoloration on Park's cheek had already changed from blue to purple. His eye was swollen and there was a small cut on the side of his nose.

Guilt and remorse weighed heavily in Wayo's chest. 'This man had taken a punch because of me', Wayo thought to himself, 'If he wanted my support, shouldn't I try to be there for him'.

They walked through the lobby, and Wayo halted, "If you really want me to go with you I will", he announced.

Park pulled Wayo into a hug.

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