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I wanted to thank everyone who's read my story and those that have taken the time to vote for it. 

Thank You so much!!!



Ming POV

Kit dozed off as I stroked his face. I watched him sleep feeling gratified, and happy. 

He looked so peaceful and sweet. Not like the feisty Kit he showed everyone else. I was glad to see this side of him. To know that only I was privileged to it. I pulled him closer to me as I hugged his body with a squeeze. 

He let out a contented sigh.

I caressed his cheek again, and placed a soft kiss on his forehead.  "How long are you going to keep staring at me", Kit yawned as he stretched his body.   I chuckled. "For as long as you'll let me" I said back. 

He then sat up. "How are you feeling?" I asked concerned. "Still a bit sore, but much better" he said smiling at me.

"Kit, you know we need to talk right?" He lowered his gaze and stiffened. "Don't worry" he huffed out, "I know this didn't mean anything", he looked away and added "it was just a mistake".

Confused, I looked at him getting pissed off. "What the hell are you saying?" I yelled furiously. I stood up and put my pants on. I stared pacing the room trying to calm down. 

I watched as he was obviously still in pain when tried to put his shorts and t-shirt on. This ebbed the rage I felt a bit. I stopped pacing and put my head down. I started massaging the bridge of my nose with my thumb and index finger, trying to find the right words to say to him. 

I walked to where he was and sat down on the bed next to him.

As I helped him get dressed, I could tell by the way he stiffened when I touched him, that he was upset. I grabbed both of his hands in mine. 

"Listen to me Kit, I'm not sure what this was to you, but to me, it was NOT a mistake", I said squeezing his hands. "I want to be with you. I want to be your boyfriend. I want to be able to see you as often as possible", I stroked his cheek, "I want to take care of you". 

When he didn't reply, I continued, "Fine, take your time and think it over. I don't need an answer right now".

I took another deep breath to control my sadness at his rejection, "For now, we still need to discuss the situation with Wayo and Phana. BUT...when you are ready, I'll be waiting for your answer".


Ming and Kit sat in Kit's room waiting for their take-out to arrive. Ming explained the details he had learned about Park from Wayo earlier at lunch. Kit sat in deep contemplation before he spoke, "Well, it still isn't much, but at least we have more of a baseline of who he is. Were you able to find out what he wants from Wayo?" he asked Ming. 

"I'm not sure, but from how animatedly Yo was going on, I think Park intends to pursue him" Ming answered, then added, "And I don't think Yo is going to object to it". 

Before Kit could say anything more, Ming quickly interjected, "But don't worry, I may have a plan".

Ming told Kit how he invited Yo to go out to the club later that night. He went on to explain how he figured that if Kit, Phana, Beam, and Forth just happened to show up at the club that Ming and Yo were at, this would give Phana a chance to speak with Yo. 

Maybe even win him over.

Kit began nodding his head in agreement, "This could work" he surmised. As Kit went to pick up his phone, Ming halted him. 

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