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"You can't do this you know", Ming reprimanded me as we were entering the lobby to the resort. I ignored him and continued to walk towards the elevators. He grabbed my hand stopping me from pressing the call button, "I'm serious. Yo has accepted Park. They're dating now, you can't keep helping Phana. It's not right", he asserted.

I used my other hand to press the call button still refusing to answer him. When the elevator arrived, we both entered, and I pressed the button for the floor I wanted to arrive at. Ming stood behind me leaning against the back wall of the elevator in an obvious show of annoyance.

"Where are we going?" He asked me when he realized we didn't get off on the floor my room was on. 

"Here", I said pointing to a door before knocking on it. The door was opened by Beam. Walking in the room I saw Forth sitting up on the bed and Pha sitting on the couch. Beam joined Forth on the bed and Ming and I sat at the small table next to the couch.

Ming didn't look happy to be here. 

"Have you decided whether or not to take my advice?" I spoke to Pha. He looked hesitant but nodded his head, "I suppose I have no choice do I?"

"I've done some thinking and if you really want Wayo to begin to forgive you, you're going to have to apologize to Park for hitting him", I explained to a shocked Pha. "No fuckin way", he boomed, "That asshole deserved it".

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and looked over at Beam for help. "It's not for Park, you idiot. The apology is for Wayo's benefit. You just have to make sure you do it when Wayo is there, so he hears you doing it", Beam said trying to calm Phana down.

Ming stood up defensively, "What the fuck are you guys talking about? This is my friend; I won't let you manipulate him like this".

"Babe... calm down. It's not like that I promise" I coxed, "I told Pha that if he wanted to be in Wayo's life in any compacity, he was going to have to accept Park as part of Wayo's life. Apologizing is the best way to calm everyone down and clear up any 'misunderstandings' there may have been".

"But he's obviously not sorry", Ming interjected motioning his hand towards Pha. Pha crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged one of his shoulders to show he was in agreement with Ming's statement.

I took a deep breath to steady the building irritation I felt. 

"The point is... everyone gets what they want. Wayo gets piece of mind. Phana gets to stay in Wayo's life, at least a little, and there's the appearance that the fight between Pha and Park is over", I clarified to both Ming and Phana.

"Because here's the thing... I think Pha might be right about Park. Didn't you feel like something was off about the way he acted during lunch?" I appealed to Ming. 

"He's only known Wayo for a few weeks, right? And, they only just started dating. Between what you yourself have told me Park's been doing for Wayo, the things I myself have witnessed, and how Pha says Park has tried to goad him numerous times; maybe it's not such a bad idea to keep an eye on him", I reasoned.

Ming sat back down straightening his back. "Yeah, maybe you're right. He's... a bit over the top. But he clearly cares for Yo. And for the first time in over a year, Yo is happy. I mean really, happy. I won't let anyone sabotage that for him", Ming warned looking at Pha.

Beam was the next to speak. "We're not trying to sabotage anything. If Park is a good guy, then it won't matter how much we watch him", he stated.

"Pha, you need to apologize before the party tonight", Kit declared to an unresponsive Phana. 

"What party?" Forth asked after hearing something that gained his attention.

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