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Wayo POV

It was busy when Ming and I arrived at the practice building. 

The studio we had been using to practice the group dance routine was now transformed into a photography studio/hair and make up room.  

Tables with copious amounts of make-up and hair products had been arranged on one side of the room, while on the other side a huge white backdrop was set up so two sets of photography teams could take the introduction photos of this year's Stars and Moons.

Contestants were being rushed from one station to the next by the senior instructors, while last year's Stars and Moons helped out where they could.

Most of my morning consisted of waiting around.  Eventually I was called over to have my hair fixed and some make-up was applied.  Once I was finished, I sat in a small sitting area waiting for my turn to be called to have my photos taken.

Playing my phone I hadn't noticed when someone approached me.  "Hey, your Wayo right? I heard you hurt your hand, are you ok?"

I looked up startled by the man speaking to me. 

I was pretty sure who he was but wasn't sure why he was suddenly talking to me. I nodded my head to his question, then said, "The doctor said my hand will be fine in a few days".

"That's good. By the way, I'm Forth", he clarified. 

"I know, Beam's boyfriend right", I noted more to myself, then added, "and Phana's friend".

He grew quiet for a few moments.

"Look Wayo, yes I'm Beam's boyfriend, and yes, I'm Phana's friend, but I'm also the Engineering Moon from last year. It's my responsibility to look after the contestants from this year. When I heard you were hurt, I just wanted to check on you. That's all", he explained.

I nodded my head in understanding. 

"Thank you for your concern. I'll be ok", I expressed with a smile. He smiled back at me and walked over to a table where I saw him sit with Beam and Kit.

A little while later, the instructor called for everyone to go to lunch. 

Ming and I decided to go to the canteen nearby and eat there. When I arrived at the table with my food, a boy I didn't know handed me a white rose and a pink milk. "I'm supposed to deliver these to you", he said handing them to me before quickly leaving.

I smiled placing them on the table next to my food. 

"He's going to make me look bad if he keeps doing things like this", I heard Ming's voice say as it pulled me out of my thoughts. "Huh?", I questioned. Ming motioned his head to a table a few rows over.

Forth, Beam and Kit were looking at us. I turned back to Ming confused. "Kit's going to think I'm not romantic if he keeps witnessing you getting these little tokens from Park", he joked. I rolled my eyes and ate my lunch ignoring the teasing remarks he continued to say throughout lunch.

After lunch I sent Park a text:


Thank you for my surprise. I hope you had a safe drive home.


Ur welcome. I'm still not sure when I'll return.


Call me when ur back.


I miss you

Walking back to the practice building, I stared at my phone re-reading his last text to me. Was I supposed to say it back?  

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