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Wayo POV

I sat and debated whether I should bring a date or just go by myself. I wasn't even sure if he would be available, or if I should even involve him.

Hands shaking, I took a deep breath and dialed his number:

Park ~ Hello?

Wayo ~ Hi Park. Um... What are you doing?

Park ~ I'm studying. Everything ok?

(My mouth was dry and my nerves made it hard for me to speak)

Wayo ~ I was wondering if you could to come here, to the Resort... tonight? There's this party and all the Stars and Moons will be there and, well... I kind of wanted you to be... my date. 

(it felt like my heart would beat out of my chest)

Park ~ Do you mean it Yo? You and I on a date, publicly, no holding back?

(I took a deep breath hoping I was doing the right thing)

Wayo ~ No holding back, I'm all... Yours.

(oh shit, what did I just say?)

Park ~ I'll be there in a couple of hours.

Wayo ~ Are you sure?

Park ~ Will it make you happy if I'm there?

(I smiled remembering how he keeps saying he only wants my happiness)

Wayo ~ Yes, Park. It would.

Park ~ Then I'm on my way once I pack some clothes. I'll shower and get ready there.

Felling both worry and relief, I hung up the phone. I set an alarm for 1 ½ hours and laid down for that much needed nap.

I woke up to knocking on the door. I trudged over not bothering to see who it was and opened the door. Park greeted me with a warm smile. The relief I felt having him there washed away any worry I had been feeling about him coming.

I opened the door wider so he could come in. After I shut the door, he stood in front of me and ruffled my hair giving me that amazing smile that takes my breath away. 

"Why haven't you started getting ready yet?" He chided me with a laugh. I looked over at the clock realizing I still had 10 minutes before I was going to get up. 

"How did you get here so fast?" I questioned him knowing he must have driven pretty fast to get here so quickly.

He looked at me and smirked, refusing to answer. 

"Have you eaten?" He asked changing the subject. I shook my head no. "How about this, you get into the shower and I'll run and get us some dinner? Sound good?" He told me. 

I nodded grateful. "Yeah, sounds great", I replied to him, "Thank you". 

I handed him the room key before he left. I spent some time ironing my shirt and then hung it up. I went and took a long hot shower, letting the day's tension melt away as the hot spray hit me relieving the aches in my shoulders. 

I washed and groomed my body, shaved and then brushed my teeth. I grabbed one of the towels on the shelf, and wrapped it tightly around my waist then exited the bathroom.

I was greeted by Park setting up dishes on the small table in front of the couch. "Come, you eat first,  I'll get into the shower now and eat after", he urged, taking my hand and leading me to sit on the couch in front of the food he bought. 

"Wait, why don't you eat now", I blurted, not wanting his food to get cold. 

"Not hungry yet, maybe after I shower I will be" he replied smiling as he walked into the bathroom. I heard the water turn on, then when his body entered the shower. 

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