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Park enter the hospital just as visiting hours were beginning. He was followed by Sun and three men from the security detail he had been employing since his mother was sick. His mother's illness worsened every time she and his father argued, so Park had had to hire a security team to keep tabs on his father, and to stop him from agitating his mother.

Park had spent countless hours researching and vetting each man he hired. Although he didn't fully trust any of them, he approved of them and their ability to do what he ordered them to do.

The elevator ride to the floor Wayo's room was on felt like an eternity to him. When the doors opened Park was immediately greeted by Kiet, "Good morning Mr. Wongkrittiyarat. If you'll follow me, I will take you to young Master Wayo's room", then he looked behind me and saw that I had brought people with me. "Your men can wait downstairs".

Park abruptly made a retort, "Those three can", he said nodding in the direction of the three men he brought, "however, Sun stays here. I'm waiting for specific information and he needs to be close so I can be informed immediately. I'm sure Mr. Panitchayasawad has already informed you that the matter has been handed to me".

Kiet had begrudgingly accepted the order his employer gave him to cooperate with this young man. Kiet didn't trust him, however he did trust his boss' instincts. So, with a curt nod, Kiet moved aside and allowed Park and Sun to enter the hospital floor. Park gave his security men some instructions then proceeded to follow Kiet to Wayo's room.

Park stood outside the door that lead to the room where Wayo was currently still in a coma. He took a deep breath to steady his nerves then opened the door and stepped inside after telling Sun to wait outside the room.

The room was quiet except for the sounds coming from the machines. Ming was sitting on a chair beside the bed. He was holding Wayo's hand. At the sound of the door opening, Ming looked up to see who it was. Park was standing ashen faced staring at Wayo's sleeping form unable to move. A single tear slid down his face.

Ming was informed that Park would come to the hospital today. Wayo's father had told him himself, but Ming didn't expect Park to look so devasted. Ming slowly walked over to Park and gave him a quick consoling hug, then patted his back. "He'll be ok. I know he will", Ming stated trying to convince himself as much as Park.

Park didn't reply.

As he tried to walk to the bed, his legs felt heavy. Step by agonizing step brought him closer to the painful reminders of his past. Seeing Wayo asleep in the hospital bed, hooked up to multiple machines sent flashes of his mother laying in just the same manner to Park's mind.

He approached Wayo's sleeping form with caution and stared down at him. He lifted his hand to brush Wayo's hair away from his eyes. Park picked up Wayo's hand and held it tight, then leaned down and kissed his forehead. Leaning in close to Wayo's ear, he whispered, "You have to wake up now. I've waited too long; I can't be without you anymore". Then he kissed Wayo's cheek.

Park straightened his back and cleared his throat and turned his attention to Ming. "I've arranged for a room for you at the resort. You've been here since Saturday night, why don't you go get some sleep and a decent meal, then you can return later", Park offered. 

Ming, feeling exhausted gave it some thought, "Yeah ok, thanks. But um,... Kit is on his way back here, so I'll wait until he comes before I go get some sleep".

Ming wanted so much to ask Park who it was that hurt Wayo, but Wayo's father had already told him that it was best if he stayed out of it and that everything was being taken care of.

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