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Later that night.......

Phana and the gang all gathered at a club near the campus to have some drinks and blow off some steam. As usual Beam and Forth were being all lovey dovey. They had been dating since last year . 

"Can you guys give it a rest for a minute and help me come up with something?" Phana breathed out exasperated. 

"Hey, don't give us shit just because you fucked up. Kit and I tried to get you to admit that you liked Wayo, but you were just too much of a coward" Beam retorted, "besides it's not our fault that Wayo overheard the things you said about him. No wonder he doesn't want anything to do with you".

"Wait, who's Wayo?" Forth asked. "Our junior from high school. Phana had a crush on him for three years and did nothing about it." Kit explained. "So what's the problem now?" Forth asked confused.

Kit went on to explain how both Phana and Wayo had both liked each other but neither knew about the other, and about the fateful conversation that Wayo overheard. 

"I don't understand, what's that got to do with now?" Forth urged the guys on for more answers. 

"Well you know the Music and Arts department's new Moon, well, ...that's him" Beam interjected. "No shit" Forth said shocked, "Are you talking about the one with the adorable face and super cute body?" 

Forth suddenly felt a hard smack on the back of his head. Beam then grabbed his drink and started swallowing down the remainder of what was in the glass. "Hey, come on, I was just repeating what I heard others saying, besides, just because I compliment someone, doesn't mean I'm interested in them" Forth pleaded.

"Guys come on. I need your help. Wayo says he doesn't care about me anymore. I need some ideas. I can't give him up. Seeing him again just brought back all those feelings. I realized they were never actually gone. Please?" Phana begged.

"What if he's serious about not liking you anymore, don't you think he's been hurt enough?" Kit asked.

"No, I know he does. Trust me" Phana went on to say. "Some things have happened between us in the last week that makes me sure that he still has  at least some feelings for me". 

"Oh, like what?" Beam asked with a smirk on his face. "Just... stuff. But, you can take my word for it that he is still interested" Phana claimed.

Kit's eyes went big, "Don't tell me you and he...". Phana rolled his eyes "Not exactly, but I did make him realize that he does respond to me, even though he won't admit it".

Forth leaned over getting Phana's attention, "Don't get me wrong, getting a physical response is a good thing, but take it from me, you're gonna need to do more.  What else have you tried in order to get his attention?" Forth inquired. "You have at least asked him out on a date, right? Or shown some care by offering him a ride or brought him something to drink during practice?"

Phana remained silent.

"Holy shit... No wonder the kid is backing off. Do you know how hard I had to work to get Beam to admit his feelings for me? It takes time and effort Pha. I think you've been relying on your looks for too long. Why don't you use some of that charm I'm always hearing the girls talk about" Forth lectured.

"He's right" Beam stated taking another sip of his drink.

"Besides there's a reason why he was so in love with you in high school. You're gonna have to show him that you're willing to work hard to make things up to him" Kit lectured. "And not just physically" Beam joked.

While the guys continued to drink and discuss the matter, Phana abruptly cut off something Beam was laughing about and asked, "Do either of you know who that guy is that is always with Wayo?", "Forth, you should know him. He's the Moon from Engineering I think" Phana explained. 

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