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"Sir, i don't think Mr. Wright is the culprit. He may be an addict but something tells me that he has not killed anyone. We cannot close this case. We have to investigate further." Elena was trying to convince her superior since the past half an hour. "And what makes you think that young lady. I know i have taught you guys to never ignore your hunches but that does not mean you oversee the clear clues. The evidence clearly points to Mr. Wright. You yourself have apprehended him, now what do you want me to do tell the media that we have caught the wrong man. We are already in a lot of pressure from the general public and media because of that the higher ups want to close this case as soon as possible. Besides we have already caught the culprit." Mr.Herald said looking completely annoyed by his subordinate. 

"Sir, i know there is pressure but that does not mean that we can put an innocent man behind the bars, please let us continue the investigation i have a feeling that there is more to this case than we know and Mr. Wright is not the culprit. We can start ov......." Elena tried to reason but was cut of by the Mr. Herald...." Enough of this nonsense young lady, this case is over you are going to hand over every file related to the case to prosecution. End of discussion. You have many cases piling up if you are that free go and finish those works. Do you understand me? " Mr. Herald said authoritatively.  

Elena sighed and got up to leave the office but as she was about to pass through the door she stopped " This case might be close for now officially but an unofficial investigation just to make sure that we have caught the right person can be done" Mr.Herald was saying suggestively and winking at her he gestured her to leave.

Smiling to herself she took all the relative files of the case and went to the copier to get the files copied than she asked one of the official to send the originals to the prosecution.





Elena, Edward and Peter were sitting in their discussion room. Elena had called the other two to discuss about the case. "Guys, you must be wondering why i called you cause we had already finished our case. So i want to tell you something. The case is officially close but we are going to conduct an unofficial investigation. Because i think we have caught the wrong man." (Let's say each unit have their own discussion or investigation room in the precinct)

"Why are we going to do that? and why do you think Wright is not the right person.  I mean we are the one who caught him and all evidence point to him." Peter said incredulously 

"Exactly that's my point. Look how at first there was no no evidence like not even a single DNA and now all of a sudden we got a suspect moreover we got syringes, vile and knife. I mean Mr. Wright was that smart to wipe the two bodies clean why didn't he get rid of the weapon." Elena tried to reason.

"Wait! Do you think Mr Wright was setup? " Edward said standing up quickly.

"Yes i have got this feeling as soon as we entered Mr. Wright house. Apprehending him was quite easy don't you think."

"Now as matter of fact i do think like that i mean come to think of it found it quite odd how he was sleeping, didn't even budge a muscles when we raided at his house." Edward said. After hearing her partner something clicked in Elena's mind and she quickly asked the other who was thinking hard to process what was going on.

"Hey Pete, did we get a blood sample of Mr. Wright?" Asked Elena. "Yes, we did.Why?" Peter replied. "ask the forensics to check the blood for any kind of sleeping pills." Elena said thinking. is it possible that he was drugged, that can explain many things.


next day

"Boss you were right, the report just came Mr. Wright was indeed drugged. The forensics have found traces of a vaccine in him." Peter said entering the discussion room. 

"Then it means that he was set up ." Edward said. 

" Ok let's start our investigation putting aside the suspect." Elena said setting the bulletin board in front of her. She had already put the pictures and pin point all the data they had at the moment on the board. "So we will start with the first victim Alex. What do we know so far." The all three official began to reinforce everything.

"John was buried, no one have known about him if there would not have been a construction. So, why was Alex's body not buried. They were killed the same way even, John had the same binding marks that indicates that he was also tied to the chair at one point. So why was Alex's body not buried." Elena was saying looking at the pictures of both the victims.

"May be the killer wanted to show off." added Edward. 

"was it intentional or a coincidence." Elena said thoughtfully when it clicked. "Guys let's found out what happened on the day Alex died. Check anything out of the ordinary. Check for reports that were made that day and for any unusual or usual event. There must be something that happened that day. I am sure we will find something.' 


A/N: Boring chapter i know it was not well written. but i am not going to change it. Honestly i am just writing this story for the fun of it or let's just say to get the hang of writing on wattpad. So maybe in future i might edit this but for now it is going to be like this as i have written it. 

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