Chapter Four

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Kylo's POV

The Knights of Ren lead me around the main First Order ship, the Supremacy, towards Supreme Leader Snoke's throne room. I have Rey in my arms, who is still asleep. I'll have to wake her up when we get there.

We come to an elevator and we all climb in. One of the older Knights put in a special code that sends us up higher into the ship. "This elevator goes straight to the Supreme Leader's throne room. When we arrive you should kneel down on one knee. Trust me. If you do this, it will give him a sign that you are ready to become his apprentice. And be respectful. He'll like that.", the Knight says. I nod.

The doors open and all seven of us and Rey walk towards Snoke's throne. There he sits, the scarred man who has been haunting me for my whole life. All of us kneel down almost in sync before him. "Knights of Ren, I see you have brought to me your new commander, and his...,", Snoke stops and eyes the still-sleeping Rey in my arms. He smiles and finishes his sentence, "his little counterpart.".

He congratulates the knights on completing their mission and tells them that I am the new Master of the Knights of Ren and that they are to look after me and I am to be in charge of them. "You are dismissed, Knights.", he commands. "Yes, Supreme Leader.", they all answer. They leave.

"Young Solo!", Snoke booms. "Yes, Supreme Leader?", I ask. "You may rise and take off your mask. Wake the little girl. I wish to meet her.", he orders. I nod. I stand and take my mask off. "Rey, sweetheart, it's time to get up.", I tell Rey. She grumbles and mumbles, "five more minutes, Benny.". I look at Snoke before telling her that I didn't think that the Supreme Leader would be willing to wait five minutes. Rey's eyes snap open and frighteningly look around the throne room, then she buries her face into my neck. "Rey.", I warn, "come on, Rey! It is perfectly safe and you know that I'm always here to protect you. The Supreme Leader wants to meet you.".

Rey looks up at me and reluctantly says, "ok.". She looks over we're Snoke sits and eyes him suspiciously. "Supreme Leader, this is Rey, my counterpart. Rey, this is Supreme Leader Snoke, he is in charge of us now. Ok?". Rey doesn't answer. Snoke stands up and slowly walks over to us. Rey starts squirming in my arms, something she never does. I tell her to hold still and she does, but I can feel her growing fear through our bond.

Snoke stops in front of us and holds out his arms. "Give her to me.", he orders. "NO!!", Rey screams. "I don't think she-", Snoke cuts me off by growling, "Don't you dare defy me, Young Solo!". I reluctantly give and now kicking and screaming Rey. I'm expecting Snoke to struggle with holding her, but to my surprise, he just squishes Rey's head to his chest with his claw-like hand and his other hand holds the rest of her body up. Her position looked very uncomfortable and I couldn't help Rey.

"Hmm. Small thing, isn't she?", Snoke observes, "A fragile child, but a brave, headstrong one. A leader. Just not so brave at the moment, however.". He fixes his hold on her so she is a bit more comfortable. "I would love to talk more with her. However, it's a shame she will be hysterical in a few minutes.", he says. I give him a questioning look and ask him what he means. "Oh, I guess I forgot to tell you. In order for you to become my apprentice, I need to dig into your mind and encourage your mind to go fully into the dark. This might hurt a bit.".

Third Person POV

There was no warning whatsoever, before Snoke forced himself into Kylo's head. Kylo fell to the floor screaming and holding his head. "Stop! Stop! STOP! You're hurting him! Let him go!", Rey screamed. Snoke just shushed her. Rey somehow managed to get out of his grasp to run over to Kylo. "It's ok, Benny! I'm here!", Rey said as she threw herself over his body as if to protect him. She started crying too.

Kylo stopped screaming, but his whole body was tense and his face was contorted in pain. This lasted for a few more minutes. Snoke released Kylo. When he opened his eyes, they were darker than Rey had remembered. She backed up from him. "Rey what's wrong?", Kylo asked as he stood up. Snoke sat back in his seat. "You're not my Ben! What did he do to you?!", Rey yelled. "Rey, what are you talking about?", Kylo asked, "I'm fine, I just wasn't expecting it to hurt that much. That's all.". Rey didn't look convinced.

Snoke gave Kylo the directions to his and Rey's new quarters, that they would share. He dismissed them and Kylo thanked him and picked up his mask. He tried to hold Rey's hand, but she snatched her hand away from his reach and glared at him. Kylo was still confused about her odd behavior. "Come on, Rey. I think you need to go to bed.", Kylo said making his way to the door. Rey followed him. They were quiet the whole way there.

When they reached their new quarters, Kylo brought Rey to her bedroom and made sure she changed into some sleeping clothes. Just before Rey got in her bed, she burst out crying. "BEN I HATE IT HERE!! WHAT ARE WE EVEN DOING HER ANYWAY??!! THAT SUPREME LEADER GUY IS A REAL MEANIE!! HE HURT YOU AND YOU THINK THAT IT WAS A GOOD THING! ITS NOT! YOUR EYES ARE DARKER AND I CAN FEEL THAT YOUR DIFFERENT!", Rey yelled at him. "Rey, you will understand when you are older. You should go to be now.", Kylo said sweetly. "BEN, I WANT TO GO BACK TO MASTER LUKE! HE WAS ACTUALLY NICE AND HE CARED FOR ME AND YOU! HE NEVER HURT US! AND IF YOUR STILL GOING TO BE AN IDIOT AND STAY HERE WITH THAT BULLY, THEN I WILL GO BACK BY MYSELF!!", Rey screamed.

Rey looked at Kylo. And, boy, was he furious. His eyes looked almost red, his hands were balled into fists, and he was shaking a bit. Rey could feel his anger coming off of him in hot waves through their bond. "I did this for you! For me! For US, you ungrateful brat! How dare you say that you want to go back to that monster that tried to separate us! From now on, you and I are never going to be separated! EVER!", Kylo snapped, "AND STOP CALLING ME BEN!! YOU WILL CALL ME KYLO! YOUR BEN IS GONE!".

He stormed out of the room and Rey ran to her bed and cried herself to sleep. Rey did her best to reach Master Luke and sent him a message telling him that Ben has changed, is going to the dark side, and that she was scared he might hurt her. She asked him for help and stated that she wanted to escape before he did end up hurting her.

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