Chapter Eleven

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It was now the next day and Rey was taking a nap. Kylo had just come back from his usual meetings and another, more personal matter: a special gift for Rey.

"Rey, sweetheart, wake up. I have a surprise for you!", he said softly. Rey woke with a small yawn and asked with a groggy voice, "really what?". She sat up. Kylo held the gift, which was hidden in a shiny black box, behind his back. "Show me! Show me!", Rey squealed. "Alright.", he snickered, showing her the box.

"Oo! What is it?", Rey asked. Kylo opened the box to reveal a pretty, shiny, black necklace. "For me?!", Rey gasped. "Anything for you princess.", he said, "here I'll put it on you.".

Kylo clicked the lock in place once he put it around her little neck. Unknowingly to Rey, this necklace was actually a Force represent and a tracker disguised to trick the Resistance into thinking it was just a plain piece of jewelry and to make Rey feel pretty and loved. It even showed Rey's vital signs, so that if she was lost, Kylo could make sure she was ok.

Rey couldn't feel her connection to the force being cut off, she was too untrained to feel anything. Kylo planned to teach her once he won the war. Which would be soon. Then they would be together forever. The necklace could only be removed by Kylo which is why he had to take off his gloves to unlock the latch and lock it. It was built so that Rey would not even feel it, so it could stay on her 24/7.

Rey went to her bathroom and screamed, scaring Kylo to death. "I LOVE IT!!!", she screamed. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!", she sprang into his arms and kissed him.

To Rey, it was just a friendly "thanks" kiss, because she didn't know any better. But to Kylo, it meant everything and he had to remind him self that Rey was just a child and didn't know what kissing on the lips with a boy meant yet. At least the kiss was with him, if it had been with anyone else, he would've killed them within the same 5 seconds and then kissed Rey possessively.

The counterparts held each other for the longest time before Kylo's com link blared a message from the main deck about some of the Resistance showing up for a negotiation. Rey gasped and looked at the comm. "the Resistance is here?", she said. Kylo growled and held her a bit tighter at the mention of those rebels.

"Come on. Let's go end this war. Rey I want you to stay with me the whole time. No going to your friends.", Kylo said seriously, putting his mask back on. Rey nodded at his serious tone and followed him to a meeting room. His Knights met up with them on the way there and followed closely behind. Rey clutched onto Kylo's cape with her little hand as she saw her friends and her caretakers.

"Rey!", Finn breathed. "Rey don't worry, come here. We're here to save you.",Poe said, reaching his arms out for Rey to run to him for a hug. Rey nearly ran to him, but before she could, Kylo scooped her up and held her.

Rey made eye contact with Leia and both the young girl and older woman shared a sad but reassuring look. "What did you do to her and what's that around her neck?!", Poe demanded, reaching for his blaster, which Finn grabbed and told him that Kylo was holding Rey and he could hurt her too.

"Well, General? Have you and your Resistance made a decision? Will you accept my treaty?", Kylo asked. "Yes, we will. But only if we can speak to Rey for a few moments.", Leia said, eyeing the little girl in the monster's arms. Kylo tightened his grip on Rey. "Please?", she asked. "Fine. But just for a few minutes. No more.", Kylo snapped.

He reluctantly placed Rey on the floor and she ran up to her friends and hugged them all. They hugged her back and demanded to know what had happened to her and if she was ok and if Kylo had really hit her. Rey told them that maybe Kylo had hit her once but then he fixed her injury. "HE DID WHAT?!", Finn and Poe screamed in sync. Leia pulled Rey into a hug and kissed her forehead, reassuring her that everything would be alright. "OH NO! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO STAY HERE REY!", Poe yelled. "ABSOLUTELY NOT!", Finn agreed.

At that, Kylo snatched Rey's little arm and pulled her away from his enemies. "Say goodbye Rey. You won't be seeing them for some time.". Finn and Poe protested and Leia got a forlorn look in her eye.

Rey was too young to understand what was going on, she did know why she wasn't going to be seeing her friends anymore. "Make sure they make it to the Outer Rim. I want them to stay there unless I say otherwise.", Kylo ordered Hux. "Come on Rey, I think some time in your garden would do you good.", he said.

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