A Conflicted Heart

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Hiccup and Astrid flew back to the Dragon's Edge both enjoying the silence between them. Astrid sat behind Hiccup holding onto him whilst nuzzling her head into the crook of his neck. Hiccup couldn't help but smile a little as Astrid held onto him. He came to realize that he too was in love with her and from their current situation it seems that she reciprocated those feelings. 

He could see Dragon's Edge coming into view and he nudged Stormfly signalling for her to start her descent. When they touched down in the center of the village all the villagers cheered at the sight of their victorious king. Hiccup jumped off of Stormfly and winced when he landed due to the multiple stab wounds he received from Tuffnut and some fair bruising from Snotlout. 

Astrid hopped down off of Stormfly and approached him gently placing a hand on his shoulder, "You need to go to the Great Hall and get patched up by Heather." Hiccup gave a light chuckle, "If it will help you rest I will see Heather."

He took a step forwards and felt a massive surge of pain before collapsing to his knees panting, the villagers went silent watching their king with concern. "My king, let us help," said Erret as he pulled Hiccup to his feet and wrapped his arm over his shoulder allowing him to lean on Erret.

"I take it was a hard fought battle?" asked Erret. "Indeed, it was a battle that I am sure my father would have been proud of...where is he by the way?" asked Hiccup. "Stoick is at the forge with Gobber and Vlask, I'll have one of the guards grab him later," said Erret as he helped Hiccup climb the steps of the Great Hall with Astrid close by.

They opened the doors to the Great Hall to see Fishlegs, Ruffnut, their child and Heather gathered at a table. Heather seemed to be tending to Ruffnut's wounds and checking over the little baby boy for injuries. The moment Hiccup entered they all looked in his direction and Fishlegs was the first to greet him, "Hiccup! Thank Odin! Thank you for saving my family!" Erret helped seat Hiccup into his throne like chair at the high table, "It was nothing Fishlegs. I was just doing my duty."

"No you did more than that," said Ruffnut from her chair as she cradled her baby, "You saved me from a fate worse than death itself. You saved my child from that cell. That is more than I deserve for what I put you through all those years ago."

"I will never forget this Hiccup, I got my family back because of you. I am forever in your debt," said Fishlegs as he placed a hand on Hiccups shoulder making Hiccup wince with pain. "Hiccup you're hurt!" said Heather as she approached him with bandages and other equipment.

"Yes well compliments to your brother Ruffnut on my wounds, he is really good with a dagger," said Hiccup with a gasp of pain as he readjusted himself in his chair. "Tuffnut did this to you?" she asked with surprise. "Sadly in the heat of battle I claimed his life. I am sorry Ruffnut," said Hiccup feeling ashamed that he snuffed out her brothers life.

"He was no brother of mine," snarled Ruffnut, "He was the one who threw me into that cell and told the guards to have their way with me." Fishlegs visibly growled, "Then he got what he fucking deserved."

The doors to the Great Hall opened and Stoick entered followed by Astrid, "Son thank Odin for your return." 

"Thanks Dad," said Hiccup with a slight groan as Heather began cleaning his wounds on his face. "You look like crap," commented Stoick as he sat down next to his son; Hiccup didn't answer but simply chuckled. "Okay now take of your tunic," said Heather as she wrung out another rag.

Hiccup struggled to reach for his tunic due to the amount of injuries that he had sustained during the Battle of Raven's Point. "Here let me," said Astrid with a sympathetic smile. Hiccup nodded and bestowed a small kiss on her lips before she removed his garb.

That's when they noticed everyone's dumbfounded expressions, "What?" asked Hiccup with a raised eyebrow. "When did this happen?" asked Fishlegs as he gestured between Astrid and Hiccup. 

Hiccup winced as Heather began cleaning the deep stab wounds on his torso. "After the battle," answered Hiccup through gritted teeth. "It's also none of your business what is going on between Hiccup and myself," said Astrid with a steely eyed glare at the individuals in the room. "Easy now lass," said Stoick as he placed a hand upon her shoulder, "We aren't going to bother you two. We were just curious."

"Yeah I mean we knew you two would get together eventually," said Heather as she began stitching the wounds on Hiccup's torso. "Seriously?" asked Hiccup through gritted teeth. "Yup...you two have been getting awfully close recently and we started taking bets on when you would get together," said Heather with a smirk on her face as she bandaged Hiccup's arm.

"And who won?" asked Astrid curiously as she sat down on the arm of Hiccup's chair. "I did," said Stoick and Heather in unison. "Of course you guys did," sighed Hiccup as Heather finally finished tending his wounds.

"Well I have to take care of a few things in the village," said Hiccup with a wince as he attempted to stand up. "Nope," said Astrid as she pushed him back into his chair. "But I have duties that I need to-" began Hiccup only to quell under Astrid's stern gaze, "- that I need to look into after a good nights rest," finished Hiccup with a sigh.

"Good now you go to bed and we can take care of the village until you are healed," said Astrid with a smile. "Now hold on a second-" began Hiccup only to falter under her stern gaze, "-never mind."

Hiccup stood up and limped towards the door grabbing his tunic and pulling it on as he went. Stoick shook his head, "Stubborn one that boy is." Astrid laughed, "And who do you think he got that from?"

"Oh..." was all Stoick could say as he watched the door close behind his son.

Hiccup wandered up the path towards the old stone castle that he had taken residence in. Many thoughts plagued his mind, the one that seemed to bother him the most was a single question. How did Snotlout train a dragon?

This was something that was bothering him, when he thought back to the Monstrous Nightmare all he could remember was the many scars that littered the body of the creature, that thing had obviously been tortured to obey its commander.


Hiccup looked over his shoulder to see his old and most faithful friend Toothless waddling along behind him, "Hey bud." Toothless nudged his masters hand as a sign of affection, Hiccup gave a loud sigh and patted Toothless' head in return.

"There is so much going on right now Toothless and honestly for the first time in nearly ten years...I don't know what to do next," said Hiccup as he opened the giant ornate castle doors and stepped aside to allow his dragon comrade to enter. Hiccup closed the door walked through the gigantic foyer and towards the grand staircase. Toothless waddled along listening to his masters worries.

"I mean I am definitely falling for Astrid, but I know I don't deserve to love again," said Hiccup in a saddened tone. Toothless rolled his eyes and smacked Hiccup over the top of his head.

"OWWW!" yelped Hiccup when Toothless made contact. "What was that for?" asked Hiccup as he rubbed the top of his head.

"Stop feeling sorry for yourself," said Toothless in dragonese. Hiccup rolled his eyes, "Yeah but I am right. I lost my wife and my only daughter because of who I became...I can't do that to Astrid...Hel I don't even deserve Astrid."

Hiccup opened the door to the Master bedroom and stepped aside to allow Toothless to enter first. Toothless sat down staring at Hiccup with curious eyes. Hiccup sat down on a chair at the bottom his bed and removed his peg leg.

"I know you've went through a lot Hiccup...but Emily and Astra wouldn't want you to shut yourself of from Astrid. You deserve to love again," said Toothless with a slight warble of sadness in his message.

"Thanks bud...you always know best," said Hiccup as he lay back on his bed and allowed his eyes to shut and fall into a peaceful slumber. Toothless smiled at his master and turned to his large sleeping stone heating it with his flames before going to sleep himself

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