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"It's good to see you two again, it has been a long time."

Stoick P.O.V
I stood in shock that this man in front of me was my son! He was tall, muscular, had a prosthetic leg and a beard, but not only that he had a daughter!

I staggered forward and looked him in the eyes, all I could muster to say was, "son?"

Hiccup P.O.V
I smiled as my father approached looking wary of my existence, my daughter clung to my leg in fear of the unknown man before her. I smiled at her and placed my hand on her head in an attempt to comfort her. She snuggled in further. I look up to see my father looking at her with fond eyes.

"Dad I am sorry I left Berk, but I feel that it was the right choice," I said hoping he would understand. He looked at me with a smile on his face.

"I am glad you did son other wise we could be dead on Berk and I wouldn't have a grand daughter," he said warmly.

Astrid I noticed looked awkward but I ignored her for now focusing on my father and my daughter.

I kneel down and look at her with a smile, "Do you wanna meet your Grandpapa?"

She looked so scared but nodded, I picked her up and she stuck her thumb in her mouth to suck on. I walk over to my father who is smiling with tears of joy in his eyes.

"Atsra this is Grandpa, he's my Daddy," I explained, she looked at him for a moment then waved and then hid her head in the crook of my neck.

"She's beautiful, may I meet her mother?" asked Stoick softly, my heart panged at the thought of my beloved wife and I felt my mood sadden dramatically. I knew I had to explain.

"Dad, my wife, Emily...she passed away last fall...she was sick," I felt the tears fall but I let them.

My father looked sad as well and he pulled me and Astra into a hug, I felt comfort in his hug and I couldn't help but hug back. After a moment I heard a giggle from my daughter and I look down. She is giggling as she leans into my father.

"What's so funny little miss?" I ask with a funny voice.

"Grandpas beard tickled me," she giggled. My father chuckled at the tiny girl who was playing with his beard hiding underneath it. I couldn't help but laugh.

"You want Grandpa to hold you?" I asked. She peeked her head out from my dad's beard and nodded. Within a heart beat he lifted her into his arms.

I looked at Astrid who seemed to be smiling.

"Okay I am happy to let you guys be apart of my village, you will be given housing and jobs as well, dad you will be my second in command here as I know it's really hard to stop being a chief."

My dad smiled and continued to cuddle Astra into his chest, she just giggled and had the time of her life, never in a thousand years did I think that this would happen, but here it was happening right in front of me. Emily and I talked about going to Berk and being a part of the at village once more, but due to her illness and our village it never happened. It hurt me to think about all the things we could have done and never did. I sighed audibly and turned my attention back to the present.

"ERET!" I roared. Within seconds he ran into the hall looking tired as all hell.

"Sorry for being a bother Eret but could you show my father to the big house next to mine please, the one with the Nadder carving on the door, after that get some rest and enjoy some mead," I said as softly as I could knowing that he was working the hardest in the village to accommodate the hurt Berkians. He nodded and gestured for my father to follow and he did so quite happily. Astrid was about to follow him when I spoke up.

"Astrid a word please."

She stopped and looked at me with...fear? I wonder why she is scared? She was fidgeting with the braces on her forearms and looking towards the ground.

"Astrid there is something you aren't telling me isn't there?" I asked her firmly.

She looked even more scared than before but I stood firm waiting for a response, I could see her beginning to open her mouth to speak but shut it as if she was attempting to think of what to say.

"I failed you on Berk," she said in a voice that was barely above a whisper. I was puzzled by this and uncertain of what to say until all I could say was "How?"

"I could have stopped Snotlout and the twins from hurting you back then but I didn't want to get involved for fear of my own safety, but now I know that I should have stood up to them...then I wouldn't have lost you."

I was rather touched by her words but all I could think to do was give her a hug.

Astrid P.O.V

I felt horrible, as soon as I heard that Hiccups wife died I felt great thinking that I could be with him, then it was quickly replaced by feelings of guilt and regret. If I had protected him back then then maybe the little girl in Stoick's arms would have been mine and Hiccups, I would have been his wife and we would have been happy together. But I failed him and he left to become the legendary Dragon Master, which was only making him hotter in my mind. And the way he looks now is basically jaw dropping. He is so hot! His muscles and his beard along with his missing leg just make me feel weak at the knees. Plus he is a loving and caring father as well. He is the definition of the total package in my book. But now I have told him that I failed him and I am just waiting for what he would do. But I did not expect him to hug me.

I was shocked at first that he hugged me I wasn't sure what I should do but I eventually hugged him back and we stood there for a moment and in that moment all that had happened back at Berk and between Hiccup and me disappeared it was like we were the only ones who existed.

He broke away and smiled at me with his beautiful white teeth on display. I felt my heart melt a little bit more. Then he said something that shocked me more than anything.

"You know I named her after you," he said casually, this broke my mind for a moment.

"Wait what?" I asked as if I didn't hear him correctly.

"Yeah, you were the only one who showed me any compassion, and on my last day on Berk you protected me. The day she was born was the anniversary of the day I left and I thought it to be fitting, her full name is Astrid Emily Haddock."

I felt my heart sing to Valhalla in joy and I couldn't help but put a smile on my face. 

"I would tell her stories about you, tell her all about her namesake and all she did for me. The Fearless Astrid Hofferson."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I fell in love with him the more he talked and I couldn't help but smile and blush at his words.

"Really?" I asked making sure he wasn't messing with me.

"Yeah, she really has a soft spot for the Fearless Hofferson girl, I would make up some stories because she would like to listen to them before she fell asleep. She basically begs for them at this point," he chuckled out, I couldn't help but think on how amazing his laugh was.

"I'd love to get to know her," I said feeling hopeful, he looked like he was thinking at this point but before he could answer the doors to the hall burst open and a girl with black hair and metal scales on her armor ran in looking worried.

Hiccup P.O.V

I watched as Heather ran into the hall looking worried as all hell, I have only seen her this worried a handful of times since I have met her and none of those times have the situation been good. Well this is going to be good.

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