ch.2 unknown friend

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~°??????'s pov°~

Damn monkey thought i was dead. After all these years...? Hmph no. I've been training for him. He will die this time. And not peacefully. He will die by my hands.

"Lord Freiza may i speak to you?" Jeice says to me.

"Hmph, fine. What is it? What's the damn information on Earth? I'll kill that monkey soon enough..." I ask.

"Well...I was searching the atmosphere and I saw the other monkey that was with that other monkey before this happened." He says to me. I growl.

"Go on," I smile thinking of that damn saiyan dying.

"I think...we can take over this planet! Ask cap'n ginyu!" He says in his thick australian accent.

"Hmph, alright." I respond walking to captain ginyu who is standing next to Guldo.

"So i believe we can take over this planet soon...?! Is that correct??" I lean over to him.

"Er, yes sir!" That testical head finally responded.

"We'll leave in-

~°y/n's pov°~

I sigh as it is already the next morning the sun shining brightly as i got up in my pjs to look outside and felt the nice warmth of the sun hit me. I happily smile and stretch. Then i feel a force hit me in the back of the head.

"Hey (y/n) whats up?" Goten says.

"Don't hit me in the head Goten!!! Jeez rude ass." I cross my arms.

"Oh calm down it didn't hurt that bad did it?" Goten looks at me.

"Nah i just don't like it when you hit my in the back of my head you weirdo!" I respond and walk outside in my pajamas stretching my arms out. "Huh....?" I see a red thing up in the sky. I start to hover and go up im not that good at flying but dad taught me a bit of it. I fly up to see what that red thing is it looks like a man with white long hair. Then i start to fall i lost focus as im falling i scream at the top of my lungs feeling myself desending further down and down then i feel as if it stopped. I open my eyes slowly to see a man with a green scouter and green eyes red skin and long snow like hair holding me.

"Your safe love. Don't worry your light as a feather i got ya." His thick australian accent is some what alluring. "Whats your name?" He asks me.

"(Y/n) what about you...?" I ask.

"Uhhh.....magma....yea yea, magma." He says to me staring into my eyes.

"Thank you for saving me, magma." I thank him.

"It's no problem love, say how about we get to know each other right..?" He says to me.

"Sure...but I should tell my father I'll be go-

"Who is your father...?" Magma interrupts me.

"Uh...his name is son goku. Therefore I am son (y/n)!" I say. Then I see and evil grin appear on his face.

"Oh really...? Well theres no need to tell him. We wont be gone that long." He says and flies down. Grabs my hand and brings us to a forest. He seems something is off but i choose to ignore it.

"So whats your favorite color (y/n)?" Magma asks me.

"It's (f/c) oh and my favorite animal is a (f/a)." I reply. He smiles and chuckles.

"Your perfect love." Magma says to me. His smile is handsome. His long hair falls down his shoulders.

~•time skip to the next past days you get to know magma better•~

"Hey beautiful!" I hear magma say from my window down below. I jump down out of my window.

"Hey magma." I grab his hand smiling happily.

"You ready to sneak out again and have some fun?" Magma looks over at me.

"Yep! Come on!!" I run off laughing while he chases me.

"Hey get back here love! I'll get you!" Magma says chasing me I laugh hard he catches up to me and starts to fly fastly and stands infront of me and i fall into his chest. His scouter starts to beep.

"Oh...I'll be back love!" He runs off.

"Ok I'll be here!!" I sit down and wait for him but then 5 minutes later hes back.

"Ah you did wait for me." He says walking back to me. All the sudden i feel strong muscular arms wrap around me pulling me to their chest. I look to see it is magma of course. I wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head on his chest happily he chuckles. And we walk around in the forest playing stupid games such as hide and seek or tag or anything fun. "Oh no...I cant find (y/n) where could she be." He says making playful remarks. I giggle unfortunately. He turns his head in my direction. "Ohh (y/n)~ i know your around here love!" His bangs falling by his face for a second but he fixes it. "Oh my freiz- kami I can't seem to find her...hmmmm." Magma laughs.

"Magmaaa~ over here!!" I start to tease him. He moves his head very fastly. And then he spots me.

"Aha! I found ya love!!!" He runs over and gives me a hug. He's an amazing friend i don't know what i would do without him!



hi guys before ya leave just to let you know ill will be making a Thanksgiving special very soon!! So happy killing turkey day everyone!! I hope you have a good Thanksgiving everyone. I love yall!!! Oh and jeice says he loves you guys. Byeee

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