ch.7 My Jeice.

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"(Y/n)...wake up. Love? Come on don't be hardheaded." I hear Jeice lightly laugh.

"Mm...nooo I don't wanna..five more minutes please?" I whine, rolling over.

"Nooope sorry love but no wakey wakey sunshine." Jeice kisses me gently. My eyes widen.

"Fine....I guess." I make a mad face.

"Aww look who's grumpy. Come on love, don't be grumpy." Jeice looks at me.

"Shut up, weirdo." I kiss him and he kisses me back.

"I love you too then. Cutie." He smiles and pokes me.

"Hey um...about the fight..over where dad and the others come its taking them so long?" I ask.

"Well....they left you here for a bit to go get senzu beans...or whatever they are called then train a bit more to come back and save you." Jeice replies. I feel my eyes get watery as I start to cry Jeice immediately comes to hug me. "Shh its okay love, im here-" the door suddenly bursts open.


"MAYBE KNOCK FIRST GULDO AND PLUS SHES NOT A MONKEY SHES A BEAUTIFUL SAIYAN SO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" Jeice yells clearly getting angry. I bury my face in his chest to attempt to not cry a bit more from him raising his voice. But it doesn't help as I start to cry even more he lowers it. "Look, get out. Next time it? And maybe I wont beat your ass for making fun of (y/n) too." He growls.

"...y...yes Jeice.." Guldo walks out of the room.

" poor (y/n) so sorry for raising my voice....are you ok.." Jeice kisses me.

"You don't need to baby me." I cross my arms.

"Yeah I do. Your too cute not to baby." Jeice ruffles my hair.

"Your lucky I don't pull your hair since it's long." I smile at him and poke him in the forehead. Jeice laughs a bit.

"Oh yea? Well I mean don't you like the Red Magma's hair. It is handsome if I do say so myself." Jeice give a cheeky smirk. "Waait you stopped crying love, aw did I make you feel better."

"Maybe, maybe not. Who knows?" I look at him in his minty green eyes.

"Your eyes are so pretty. I'm surprised that you even aren't mad at me anymore. You have a fire in your eyes when you get mad but its pretty." Jeice responds. Then his scouter beeps rapidly. "Eh? An enemy...headed this way....shit...I'll be back careful...and if you need anything go ahead and get it but head back straight in here ok?" He grabs my hand.

"I know I know...I'll be here when you get back and you better be careful too." I furrow my brows a bit to let him know I'm serious.

"Alright alright....and...this is from Frieza..shit...your dad he is back...! Wait its your dad...he came back for you alone...Your coming with me come on lets go now!!" Jeice picks me up bridal style easily like I'm nothing. And runs downstairs, outside. Then files up.

"Jeice this is really high up!! And I can fly myself." I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Well too bad love, I'm carrying you rather you like it or not." He kisses me before flying really fast. We encounter my father with a enraged face his knuckles turning white from clenching them hard.

"GIVE ME BACK MY DAUGHTER DAMMIT! NOW! I'LL KILL YOU ALL IF YOU LAY ONE MORE DAMN FINGER ON HER. LET MY BABY GO!!!" Dad screams angrily before turning super saiyan god. Like i said if yall didnt read the pls read thing this takes place in dbz/dbs. So if yall didnt read that either read it or be confused and be like "wolf you know goku didnt turn ssgss in dbz righht??" But yea dont do that bc i wont explain it. So either deal with it or go away.

"Goku! Look I have your daughter. Please calm yourse-


"DAD CALM DOWN JEICE IS NOT BAD ANYMORE PLEASE I LOVE HIM DON'T HURT HIM!...please....give him a chance...he wanted to come with me back to earth and help us protect'm begging you.." I grab my fathers shoulder..

"Fine..I swear if he hurts you I'll...I'LL BEAT HIS ASS.-

"Jeice is it true?" A high pitched voice comes from behind us and its Freiza.

"Yes it is. You have a problem with that?" Jeice growls clearly irritated.

"In that case, I'm going to kill you." He smiles evilly. 

"Heh heh heh...fight me then. Freiza." Jeice laughs confidently as freiza gasps.

"How rude, (star wars refrence to jar jar when he said *gasp*, how wude) my name is lord freiza!" Freiza gets angry but jeice is still smiling smugly.

"Come on mate, show me what you got." His confidence rises when he manages not to release his anger out on freiza. 

"Jeice. Ill help you to protect (y/n). (Y/n) get into his space pod and escape. We will find another way out. Now go!" Dad walks up next to jeice. I stand there angry and confused why Im not able to help.

"Love, go...for me...please. Ill be here to protect you. Listen to your father." Jeice looks at me in my eyes.

"But Jeice I-"

"Go. Now." Jeice said sternly.

"Ok..." I back off and run away as quick as possible but feel a harsh force hit my face. I look around too see I hit somethings rough chest. Then I look up to see captain ginyu.

"Now where do you think your going?" Ginyu growls harshly.

"Uh....n..nowhere. why do you ask?-

"MY (Y/N)! STAY AWAY FROM HER!!!" Jeice yells as he flies here and Ginyu got a kick in the face.

"Come ill show you where my space pod is so you can get home. You ready?" He asks.

"Yes jeice....I'm going to miss you.." I cry slightly as I hug him tightly.

"I'll be with you have to know I'll be just fine...the space pod is right safe i'm gonna put the route to careful love." He said as we reach our destination. Then hugs me.

"Goodbye for now...I love you. Remember don't get punched in the nose...father told me about how hard your cried." I smile slightly. Then go on my tippy toes to kiss him on the nose.

"Oi! I can't get a real kiss?! Unfair. Hmph. Then I'll just steal a kiss!!" Jeice grins and kisses me.

"Your lucky I can't bop you on the nose. That would hurt." I laugh as he tilts his head back a bit with a cute laugh.

"I'm going to miss you...please be careful...." Jeice looks down at me a bit.

"I will....bye my tomato-

"HA NOT YET I GET PAYPACK FOR GETTING CALLED A TOMATO COME HERE!" He shouts as then I start to run away from him laughing. As he pushes me to the ground and pins me there I laugh and he sits on me.

"Oww fatty."

"I'm not fat I have all muscle weirdo."

"I can't breath your too big get offfff! Pleeeeeaasee."

"Fine fine. That's what you get for callin me tomato. I'm not a damn food." He lightly growls.


"Shut up your cute." Jeice pokes my forehead. "Now more goofing around...I love you."

"I love you too...bye babe." I say as I get in and the space pod takes off. But then the space pod says someone hit it and ginyu did.



Hey guys hope you enjoyed this one I tried to not die of sleepyness but luckily i didnt. Any way see you next time on shes mine!!!

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