ch.8 Please dont go

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"You thought you could just get away like that ah? Jeice I'm fairly surprised at that stunt you pulled. Just for this damn monkey." Ginyu yells.

"Stay away from her mate!" Jeice gets in front of me.

"I knew I should've just killed her...GULDO?" Ginyu mumbles under his breath on the first part.

"Yes captain ginyu?" Guldo replies.

"Get the girl!....huh?-

"FIRE CRUSHER......BALLLLLLLLLLL!!!! RAAAAH!" Jeice makes a ki blast that's huge! It hits guldo and ginyu in the face!

"KA...MEH...HA...MEH....HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" I do a ki blast too as they go flying.

"(Y/N) WATCH OUT BEHIND YOU!" Jeice shouts as I get punched in the back hard.

"Grr....Burter. I'll kill you too then I suppose!!!!" Jeice yells. As burter laughs.

"Killing your friend already eh Jeice?" Burter laughs. "Thats a real knee slapper."

"Im done with your little games mate." Jeice growls harshly. Burter kicks jeice as jeice gets some dust in his hair. "OI! THATS GONNA TAKE A BLOODY HOUR TO WASH OUT MATE!!" Jeice punches burter making him scream of pain and agony. Then he growls and keeps punching him constantly. Screams of pain kept errupting as laughter does too. Blood splatters a bit..Burter grabs jeice by his long hair and throws him into a rock, jeice groans I start to cry.


"Now I'll take this. YOINK!(DBZ ABRIGED REFERENCE.)" Burter grabs me.

"Ah bloody hell!! COME HERE!" Jeice shouts and punches Burter.

"Jeice! Help!" I fall out of Burter's grasp.

"NO MY LOVE!" Jeice yells, grabbing me by my necklace.

"Jeice..your going to break it....let...go..." I groan.

"No. Im not letting-

"LOOK OUT! JEICE!" I scream, Burter comes up behind him as he lets go of me with a simple.

"Ah!" He leans his head back when burter tries to throw a punch at him.

"Grr...JUST DIE!" Burter scowls.

"NEVER!" Jeice yells then throws a punch.

" funny juice is fighting weakling." Freiza chuckles.

"Er....Lord Freiza its actually pronounced Jeice..." Zarbon looks at him.

"...." Freiza sighs. "I don't care. Zarbon. I just do not care." A slight embarrassed blush crept up on Freiza's face.

"Hahahahahahahaha what the fuck?!" I laugh hard.

"And what is this? Hm? A necklace?" Freiza spots my necklace on my neck. " DAMN MONKEY THATS MY NECKLACE I STOLE FROM THE BRENCH SEIGIN PLANET!" Freiza shouts at me giving me a death stare.


"YOU STOLE IT FROM MY PLANET AND SHE DESERVES IT MORE THAN YOU DAMMIT. (....idk i had to put a lil bit of a twist anddd thats not in the dbz story i know so dont yell at me it isnt bc i know it isnt.) SO LEAVE HER ALONE! YOU DAMN LIZARD!" Jeice scowls.

"HOW DARE YOU!....HOW...DARE...YOU TALK TO ME, LORD FREIZA LIKE THAT!!" Freiza gets irritated then I hear..


"...AHHHH" Burter yells as he falls to the ground! Jeice smiles.

"LIGHTS OUT MATE!" Jeice says as he stomps on his head...several times...killing him.

"Jeice...." I walk to Jeice seeing him covered in blood...his hair has red streaks from it..

"Come here, love..." Jeice hugs me gently. "I have to go fight go please find a pod to go in...-

"NO! YOUR STAYING HERE, YOU DIRTY SAIYAN!" Freiza points at me with an evil look in his eyes.

"Leave my daughter alone!" Dad yells. His blue hair swaying in the wind. Freiza turns around slowly, his eyes widen when he sees dad behind him.

"Grr...IM GOING TO KILL YOU ALL!" He shouts.

"(Y/n)! You stay back I'm going to help your father!" Jeice flies up.

"Ok!" I stand back. Freiza powers up to golden frieza. (I forgot if it was called that or not.)

"YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!!!" Dad growls.

"NO YOU WILL!" Frieza throws a punch, Jeice gets at Frieza and kicks him in the back!


"Vegeta....JUST HELP INSTEAD OF YELLING DAMMIT!" Dad shouts back.

"I....FINE DAMMIT!" Vegeta turns super saiyan god super saiyan. (Aka blue) his hair turns light blue his eyes do the same as he screams of rage.

"Holy shit. Eep!" I feel a strong force hit my arm. And see a piece of debris hit me.

"Ow, that hurt......fuck." I get up with dust and dirt on my body and face.

"Love! Ah!" Jeice looks at me getting up and gets punched into the ground.

"Jeice!" I run to him out of fear that he is hurt.

"Run...please. I can still fight." He stands up with an angry look. His scouter cracked a bit, bruises on his face and wounds on his body.

"But Jei-

"Go....just take cover." Jeice cuts me off quickly.

"Fine." I run behind a rock.

"FREIZAAAAA!" Vegeta shouts, I look up to see him hitting Freiza in the back.

"DAMN YOU ALL!" Freiza yells and attacks Vegeta. My anger bubbles up.

"...I have to help them somehow..." I say to myself. I get up and yell, a familiar golden aura surrounds me once again. I smile in success of turning super saiyan once again. Freiza turns around his eyes wide looking at me. I scream louder feeling my power level rise higher than it has ever reached before. "I'll kill you myself!!" I shout and start flying fast over there. And punch Freiza square in the face. I keep punching over and over and over again.

"CURSE YOU FREIZA!!!!" Dad yells kicking him again.

"I'll destroy you all one by one!!!!!!" Freiza knocks all of us off of him. He laughs. "Jeice your first!" He says, my eyes widen out of fear.

"NO NOT HIM! ME! PLEASE!" I shout crying.

"I'm sorry love, this is good bye...I love you." Jeice cries before Freiza finishes him.

"We will wish you back with the dragon balls Jeice!" Dad yells.

"No.....Jeice....he....he can't be dead...NO NO NO! JEICE! NO-" I break down crying before finishing my sentence. "Jeice...I loved him so much...."



im sorry for that. But you will get revenge. Dont worry!! Oh and im sorry for missing a post last friday....a gut who likes me went fuckin crazy. He was freaking out. But anyway....see you next time on She is mine!

shes mine! DBZ (jeice x reader)Where stories live. Discover now