Ch.6 namek

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BEFORE WE START I WANNA SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAAARR!! And this part is a mini christmas special :)

"(Y/n)!!! Wake up its Christmas!!! Hurryy come onnnn!!" Goten shakes me awake like a mere child.

"Ok ok im coming!! Wheres Trunks?" I get up swiftly and running downstairs in my pajamas.

"He's by the tree now hurry (y/n)!!!! Come onnnn!!" Goten yells playfully.

"Okay!! Im coming god shut up!!" I laugh. Then I get downstairs and see the tree, the tree decorated perfectly I remember when my family and I decorated it.
"(Y/n) put the star on the tree come on you can reach." Dad says smiling happily.

"Im trying!!" I giggle. He picks me up a small bit and I can finally reach. I put it on and I hug my dad happily.
"Helllooo??? Earth to (y/n)?" Goten waves his hand infront of me.

"Oh presents!!" I sat on my knees by some presents happily.

"Merry Christmas kids!" Dad says to us. Trunks smiles.

"Merry Christmas to you to!" We all say at the same time.

"Merry Christmas Trunks. Or what the hell you call this holiday." Vegeta walks in slightly smiling.

"Wow Vegeta your not that grumpy for once." I grab a present while saying this and read the name tag TO:(Y/N) FROM:YOU KNOW WHO ;) I laugh slightly.

"Yeah we found that by the door last night." Goten looks at me.

"You did...maybe it was my friend...-

"Ooooh whats his name c'mon spill itt!!" Bulma impulses.

"I'd rather keep it secret for a bit." I look down at the present in my hands.

"....hmmm ok." Bulma smirks.

"Your so weird. Anyway lets open presents!!" I say grinning. I open it to see a necklace with a red ruby in the middle of it. I smile putting it on happily as Goten smiles and looks at me.

"It looks good on you (y/n)." Goten says to me..

"Thanks." I respond.

~•timeskip to next day•~

"Okay guys its time to go back to namek!!" Dad announces.

"Lets go!!" I shout ready for battle.

"Yea!" Goten agrees.

"Okay everyone get in the ship!" Bulma leans on our new ship she created. I jump inside and so does dad, gohan, goten, trunks, vegeta, and piccolo with krillin.

"Woohoo Namek here we come!!" Dad shouts whilst jumping around.

"Wow dad, you seem really excited!" I smile at his childish acts.

"Yep! I can't wait for the challenge...but still it might pose a threat don't you think?" Dad asks.

"True, the challenge would be good for our strength too." I respond.

"Hey (y/n)! Are you ready to face the ginyu force?" Goten looks at me with determination.

"Yea of course even look at dad he's practically running wild over there!" I laugh lightly. Then I look at the necklace Magma gave me. "Oh Magma I hope I live to see you again...your like my only friend.." I think to myself.

"Uhhh earth to (y/n)?! Hellllooooooo??" Goten waves his hand in front of my face.

"Huh?! Oh...uh yeah? What's up?" I continue looking at the ruby in the necklace.

"What ya looking at? Oh...your necklace. It does look nice. Say, you never told us who gave it to who did?" Goten looks at my necklace.

"A friend...that's all you need to'll meet him when we get back home..." I respond.

"Hm...alright." Goten responds as we take off.

~•time skip to 1 hour later YA YALL ARE HELLA QUICK•~

"Were here!!!!!" Dad says jumping down. "Look not that far away theres....WAIT...THEYRE ALREADY THERE!! COME ON GUYS LETS GO!" Dad flies off. I follow behind, so do the others. Then I see guys lined up in a line...but one is..

"MAGMA?!" I yell could he betray me?!


"Alright Jeice, fight that girl. Make sure she suffers." The purple testical head says.

"Yes cap'n ginyu." Then I realise his name is Jeice.

"You damn monster. I...I thought you were my friend." I cry.

"Sorry (y/n)...this is going to sorry..." Jeice grabs me and punches me in my stomach.

"WAIT JEICE." Captain Ginyu yells.

"Huh? Oh yes Cap'n Ginyu." Jeice looks the other way as I back away slowly.


"NO (Y/N)! RUN! NOW!" Dad growls as I get grabbed while attempting to run away.

"Your coming with me love, now make this easy come on!" Jeice tugs on my wrists.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I yell angerly trying to turn super saiyan as I see the golden aura surround me appear and disappear.

"Oh (y/n)...give up your no match for me." Jeice laughs a bit.

"You will be sorry you sick man. I swear to Kami you will be." I growl. All the sudden we get teleported to a walls, bed, random other shit.

"You will be staying with me in my room for a bit..." Jeice's emerald green eyes stare into mine.

"No im leaving!" I try to sit up and jump off the bed but he grabs both of my wrists and pins me down on the bed. I feel his breath on my lips. His face is close to mine. I feel my face get hot, he smirks.

"You will have to go through me first. But you do have to learn to forgive me too. I still your friend...I still care about you." His thick alluring accent makes me blush a bit.

"Shut up you don't." I bark.

"Hmph. Well you want some proof?? Close your eyes." I do as he says and feel his breath on my lips once again..then lips smash on to mine, they are soft and feel nice.


"Shush love, im here." Jeice kisses me once more. I put my hands in his fluffy white hair. "Your so do you do such things to me...your ways...are absolutely seductive." Jeice says kissing me even more, I stop for a sec to catch my breath I then open my eyes to see Jeice looking at me up and down.

"I love you." We both say in union.

"Do not worry...(y/n)...I'll come back to earth with you when im done...playing my role. Ok?...and I love you...will you-

"Yes." I say smiling my face red. Then he kisses me once more.



hey guys whats sorry i was gone i had a funeral and one of my family members died..sadly...but im recovering slowly but surely.

Anyway see you next time on shes mine!

shes mine! DBZ (jeice x reader)Where stories live. Discover now