ch.9 FREIZA!

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"FREIIIZZAAA!" I yell angerly crying. I slowly get up. Growling, fists clenched, an angry look.

"Fight me you stupid monkey. I dare you!" He laughs.
"You damn lizard I'm going to kill you!" I growl.  Then throw a punch.

"(Y/N) NO!" Dad reaches out for me as my fist hits Freiza's face then I kept throwing the punches over and over again.


"YOU DAMN DIRTY MONKEY!!" Freiza kicks me in the knee harshly. I grunt and hold my knee as he kicks me in the stomach sending me flying into a rock. The rocks break as I feel a sharp pain in my back.

"Ah......ow...." I groan then get up slowly, my body shaking from the pain and anger. "Grrrrr....damn.....lizard." My voice becomes a bit scratchy.

"(Y/N) STOP ITS TOO DANGEROUS DAMMIT!" Dad grabs me to hold me back.

"Let. Me. Go. NOW!" I look up at him with a glare of death. Father only seemed to get more serious.

"Hahaha! Let her fight me she doesn't have a chance!" Freiza laughs at me. Dad gives me the look of are you sure? Then he shakes his head.

"No, I fought you once so I can beat you again dammit! RYAAAAAAAAAH!" Dad lets go of me and flies at him fastly.

"Hehehe. Fight me monkey!" Freiza shouts at dad...I look to the side seeing Jeice's dead beaten and battered body.

"Jeice...." I walk to his dead body only too see his green minty eyes with life still in eyes widen as I feel his gloved hand on mine. "J....Jeice? A.. Are you..alive?" I stutter out seeing him smile weakly.

"(Y/n).....I'm" Jeice is covered in bruises now...

"Wait! I....have senzu beans in my gi I forgot!" I pull out out one and put it in his mouth he gives me the what the hell?! Look. "Chew it. That will help you." He chews it only to jump up a second later. 

"Thanks (y/n)." Jeice hugs me. "I love you." I nestle my head in his neck.

"WHAT?! How....could this be?! Your alive...Juice?" Freiza looks surprised. "Heh no matter."

"MY NAMES NOT JUICE ITS JEICE GODDAMNIT!!!" Jeice yells. Father starts fighting more and more. Freiza falls into the ground.

"Stay away from them! They don't deserve to get hurt!!" Dad grabs Frieza then throws him into the sky.

"We have to help him!" Jeice looks at me. I look back at him.

"No. I'll do it." I levitate in the air and put my hands up to summon energy. My father does the same as Vegeta fights Freiza.

"ALL OF THE UNIVERSE GIVE ME ENERGY NOW PLEASE!" I say as my father does feeling energy come up in my hands and arms, it tingles as I feel more come up and more.


"SHUT UP IM TRYING...g...grrr..." I groan.

"COME ON (Y/N)! WE DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME!" Jeice shouts. I finally feel alot of power as I throw the bomb at freiza yelling.

"RYAAAAH! TASTE THIS BITCH!" I shout angrily.

"NO! NOT AGAIN!" Freiza shouts, I smile with the smile filled with sweet revenge. I throw it down with brute force as it hits him. The dust clears and Freiza is still standing smiling.

"Sh...shit." I curse under my breath.

"He....he's...HE HAS TWICE HIS POWER THAN LAST TIME?!" Vegeta shouts. Tears burn my eyes a slight bit..."I.....I failed....the one try I had." I thought to myself as Freiza charges up a blast father grabs me.

"DAD! LET GO!" I shout.

"NO....I'M GONNA THROW YOU HOME." I look at my father in his eyes, it looks like he's mustering up a lot of strength. (I know its probably not possible but do I care? No. Bc its my story.) "I'm sorry but you can't stay here." He looks at me.

"Dad N-" I get cut off by my father throwing me out of the atmosphere. As I start to lose my breath in space I gather my strength to stop myself as I am about to fly back I see the planet Namek in flames and red. "Is it really...being destroyed again?!?!?" I widen my eyes shocked, I fly over there at top speed. To see Jeice once again in pain and beaten and battered..."No....he's gonna die within seconds!?!?! He already almost died..JEICE!" I shout flying over.

"(Y/n)...STAY BACK!" Jeice shouts at me. "I L....LOVE...YOU. IF I DIE SAVE YOURSELF! DON'T BE SAD." I look at him in his green eyes.

"HEY TOMATO LOOKY HERE!!" Frieza smiles.

"JEI-" A blast hits Jeice, the blast sending me flying back. Ashes crowd the spot of where Jeice is. "J...JEICE?!?....N...NO NO NO NO GET UP GET UP GET...U.." I fly to Jeice who is on a burning hot rock. I start to break down and cry, putting my head on his bare chest, to hear no sound of a heartbeat at all. " actually died this time...why..?"

"Alright monkey it is your turn to....DIE!" Frieza makes another ki blast in his hand. And throws it at me making it all go black.

~•three days later•~

"Ow...Wh...where am I?" I open my eyes to see bright lights.

"(Y/N) OH MY POOR BABY!! YOUR ALL HURT!!!!!!!" Moms voice says as my ears ring.

"Shut the fuck up your hurting my ears mom." I groan holding my ears waiting for her to yell at me for saying that. But then.

"(Y/n)?" The bright lights dim and my eyes focus to see my father, he looks at me with a sad look and avoids eye contact after. I look down and my hair goes in my face.

"He's dead isn't he?" I sit up with a pain in my chest. I grunt.

"Don't sit up to fast." Vegeta scolds me and I growl angrily.

"You didn't try save him, I know you didn't." I raise my voice. Goten looks at me.

"Well....he was alr-

"Don't you fucking dare tell me he was already gone! He could have still had a damn good bit of hope left if you saved him instead of me dammit!" I shout. Then I get up and start to walk. Dad grabs my arm and I punch his forearm. "Don't fucking touch me! You didn't even save the one who protected me from this?!?!?! Fuck you dad! Fuck you all in this damn room." I stomp outside and go into the forest. And find a cliff. I sit down with tears in my eyes I then start to cry, tears stream down my face making me grip the grass. "No...Jeice...why...why?! Why you? Why did you have to die...why can't it just be me who has to die." I yell. And punch the ground with all my might. Hurting my fist I cry more and more. The sun sets, with hues of purple, magenta, orange, pink, bright yellows. With the sun. I watch the sun set slowly as it turns dark. Then I fall asleep.

~•next morning•~

"Fuck..." I groan once again and sit up and look around to see trees and green grass with flowers.



IM BACKKK!! Did you miss me? No?....ok. anyway ima be here!! :)

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