Ch.3 soon

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~•°next morning and y/n's pov°•~

I wake up and its the day after Thanksgiving...and i remember Magma waking me from that horrid dream of him and freiza...and him killing my family and freinds..but thank god it was a happy he awoke me and told me he was going to leave would've worried me if he just left..I look at the time to see it as 8:00 am..I get up slowly and walked to my closet looking for my (f/t) (favorite top) and (f/p) (favorite pants) also (f/s) (favorite shoes). I put them on and go out of my room looking for goten. Hes nowhere to be found...and i find a green scouter on the starts to beep rapidly..the language it is in is unknown but I know its detecting something coming I grab  the scouter and run to my room then i hide it under my bed. I hear a knock at the door. I run down the stairs and open the door to see Magma smiling nervously....hes hiding something. My gut tells me he is.... should I trust him or my gut...

"Hey (y/n)! Uh I think I left my scouter here last night..? Can I have it back...?" He asks....

"Then how did it get in the living room?" I ignore his question.

"I don't know but can I have it please?" Magma smiles happily.

"Ok, give me a second." I say and run up to my room and grab the scouter and run back down to hand it to him. "Here you go!" I look at him in his mint colored eyes.

"Thanks love..hey can I ask you something? Um...did you hear anything last night...? Like I don't know fighting...? In your brothers room." He asks..

"Uh no why?" I raise a brow. Magma looks down a bit and says in a venomous voice.


" wanna come in and watch youtube or something?" I lean against the door.

"Uhhh....what is youtube?" He asks. I sigh and laugh.

"Are you serious?" I look at him with a 'are you stupid' look.

"Yes." He stares at me blankly.

"Wow. Just wow." I smile and sigh. "Well how about a walk?" I ask.

"Sure. Lets go now." Magma puts on his scouter before grabbing my hand and leading me outside we walk around in to a forest. I look around to see if I can spot Goten. He is still nowhere to be seen. And so are my father and mother...I look down at my feet getting worried very very worried. Magma looks at me.

"Are you ok (y/n)?" He asks. I look up at him.

" just worried about my family when I woke up they were gone." Tears prick at my waterline.

"Im sure they are just training love, there is nothing to worry about." Magma responds.

"But mom doesn't train so where would she be?...maybe at bulma's..." I start to talk to myself.

"Well... you can go there later...not with me though.." Magma's bangs slightly fall over his left eye just a bit.

"But why cant you come with me?" I ask him. Magma glances at me then looks forward again.

"Because.....-" the scouter beeps rapidly. "I have to go!! Sorry (y/n)! Its an emergency!!" He says and flies off fastly. I just stood there frozen in confusion, but brushed it off and walked off to bulma's. I knocked on the door.

"One minute!" I hear her say then "Coming!!" Bulma opens the door. "Oh hello (y/n). Whats up?" She asks then lets me in.

"Well...have you seen mom? Dad? Or goten? They aren't home.." I look at her with a worried look. Her eyes light up.

"Oh they are in the training room but your mom is in the kitchen. We were just talking about you and your dad, my son, and goten, also vegeta. They are training machines! I swear they never stop and spend quality time with there family right?" She crosses her arms angerly.

"True. But they do it so that they can be ready for anything that is a threat to us.." I respond.

"Maybe your right but still that isnt an exuse to be like that to your family not even spending time with them. Grrr! I just am about tired of vegeta. I should just bonk him on the head!!" Bulma's face turns a bit red with anger. Mom walks out the kitchen to see me..

"Oh hi mom!" I smile at her happily to see her. I hug her.

"Hey (y/n). I hope you were ok while I was gone. My poor baby im sorry for leaving you alone!!!" Mom hugs me tightly.

"Oh mom, Im fine see?" I smile at her. She smiles back but keeps hugging me.

"Thats no exuse young lady! I care for you honey im soo sorry for leaving you at home. Oh my little (y/n)!" She says. I look at bulma giving her the 'send help end my suffering' she looks back and laughs. Then I see father appear out of nowhere...probably the gravity room. He looks at me and smiles.

"Hey (y/n)! I was looking for you. Anyway today we are going to train you. For a week. You gotta get stronger okay? Vegeta and I are not going easy on you." Dad looks at me seriously.

"Wait why? If I may just wondering why..?" I ask.

"Because...were going back to Namek. In a week. The ginyu force is back somehow...we don't know how but we have to defeat them again. And your our back up." I look at dad confused for saying that.

"Okay....I guess we will start tommorow...right?" I ask him..

"Yea, but for today take it easy. Its gonna be a hard day tomorrow." He says. I smile at him confidently.

"I know. And I will try my best father!"




okay so sorry i didnt feel up to posting on last Friday since it was just after Thanksgiving. But anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter oh and do you guys want me to skip half of the training and do a time skip for it...orrrrr do you want me to keep all the training in..?

Anyway I'll see you next time on She is mine!

shes mine! DBZ (jeice x reader)Where stories live. Discover now