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"What do you mean Jabari was with Jonathan" I said. "I mean what the fuck I just said DeQua" she retorted. "I understand you mad and all but you can pipe down I ain't the one who been cheating" I said. "Who said anything about cheating , you must know something I don't" she questioned. " I don't have to think it look at the facts in front of you dumb bitch" I said. She got quiet and focused all her attention on me. "Like I said look at the facts when's the last time he's been in the bed with you , last time y'all had sex , last time y'all did anything together and then on top of that he's lying about where he laid his head last night.

I sat there and took everything he was saying into thought and he just might be right. I might be getting cheated on but my question is with who? He doesn't like me hanging around with none of my friends and I already know it wouldn't be Nita because they don't like each other at all and then he just beat her ass earlier this week too. "You know what let's go to the spot and steal some weed and smoke it." "Come on because baby you need it" DeQua said.

When I got to the spot everyone had a duffle bag ready to give me and then give to Fisher. In each bag it should be 200k nothing more and nothing less. After I finished loading up the money in the car Jonathan and Chris arrived. "You ready" Jonathan said. "Always" I replied. "Chris you stay I need somebody to watch over my shit until I get back" " Say no more" he said. He then went inside and closed the door and we pulled off.
"So what business you had to handle last night" I questioned. "My business nigga damn do you hear me asking about you and Jalia ugly ass" he said. "Aye nigga don't bring my bitch into this before I shoot yo ugly ass" I said. After I said that the car ride to Fisher's meet up spot was quiet.

We made it to the spot and walked inside. Time you enter the house weed hits your nose and other narcotics. "WE NEED TO HURRY" DeQua stated. "Just follow me to the back" I said. We could get by because everybody knew I was Jabari's girlfriend and they gave me no trouble. We made it to the back room where the stash was and started grabbing all kinds of shit. Still grabbing stuff from the room I felt a tall presence behind me and they were so close my back side was pressed against there front side. "Does Jabari know your taking his shit lil mama" My heart instantly started beating faster as his voice sent shivers down my spine. I turned around so now my chest was touching his chest. " No he doesn't and can you keep it between us"  I said. He looked me up and down and said "If you do something for me". I looked at him with a confused expression and said  "what is it Chris"? "Put my number in your phone" he said.
"Why would I need your number " I questioned "So if you need me or need anything at all you can always call on me because Jabari's people are my people as well" he said. I smiled and gave him my phone so he could put his number in his self. "Here you go and I text myself from your phone so I could save your number in my phone" he said. "That's fine and thank you Chris" "No problem Jalia" he said. The way my name rolled off his tongue made my knees weak and I guess he noticed because he smirked.

After we left the trap we went back to DeQua's crib and smoked so much weed and other shit we were on cloud 9. We wrestled a little bit , then we started dancing , singing , eating , and venting to each other. I didn't want this feeling to ever leave my system because I felt numb to everything and I didn't want to feel.

"Get the bags nigga I know he waiting" I said. "Ight" Jonathan replied. He got the bags and we were escorted to Fisher's office. They also took our straps until we left his building We walked into his office where Fisher was already waiting on us.


"My two favorite people y'all got my money" Fisher asked

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"My two favorite people y'all got my money" Fisher asked. "It's in the bags Fisher" I replied. He took the bags from Jonathan and sat them on his desk. "All my money is hear correct" he questioned again. "Fisher your shit is there , we got shit to do can we go now? I said irritated. Fisher started laughing while walking towards me and punched me in mouth making me fall back and Jonathan jump back in shock. "Get yo punk ass up remember bitch you work for me not the other way around and watch yo fucking mouth when you speaking to me and if my money is short I'm coming for yo ass pussy boy now get the fuck out my office" he said. I got up off the floor holding my mouth because it was leaking with blood and I was also pissed because he just tried to hoe me in front of Jonathan.
"Bro you good" Jonathan asked. I nodded and kept walking towards the car while Jonathan went and got our straps. We got in the car and went back to the spot.

I guess I drifted off to sleep because it was now six O clock and DeQua was still smoking and I was just waking up. "Damn bih about time you wake up" he said. I started laughing and shot a bird at him. I sat up in the bed and reached for my phone and seen I had a notification from Chris.

CHRIS🥴:I just saved your number ma
ME: Why did you use that emoji lol?
CHRIS🥴: You'll find out soon you good?
ME: No I'm not good I need a ride home and Jabari hasn't talked to me all day so I'm stuck at my friends house.
CHRIS🥴: Send me the addy i'll pick you up.
ME: it's 1754 River-dale Ave.
CHRIS🥴: Ight i'm omw.
ME: Okay text me when your outside
CHRIS🥴: Ight

I then gathered my stuff and a little more weed and waited in the living for him to pull up. Then my phone alerted me of a notification and it was from Jabari and it read:

MY THUG❤️❤️🎯: I'm staying late at the spot tonight don't wait up for me
ME: Wasn't planning on it
I rolled my eyes and continued to wait and my phone buzzed again and it from Chris and it read:
CHRIS🥴: I'm out here.
I got up and said see you tomorrow DeQua and walked out his apartment and got into his car.
"Wassup ma" he said as I shut his door.

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