Chapter six

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Amelia had known they had money but she was not prepared for the splendour of the double story mansion that they called home. It was vast and beautiful, a home fit for a king. It was appropriate and befitting; Gordon was King in the business world. The driveway was lined with beautiful evergreens and the landscape was just to die for. She would spend hours just walking these gardens she knew. She was in love. The house was even bigger close up its lines simple and elegant. It was painted in white outside and inside she realised as she was ushered inside by an amused Antonio. At last she seemed intimidated and awed by something of his. It would have been nice if he had gotten that reaction himself but the house had won. 

“What a beautiful house you have Mrs Gordon,” Amelia said after the introductions had been made. They were all sitting in what was only one of lounges, with Mr and Mrs Gordon on the far end, huddled together clearly still in love with each other and excited about their trip. Antonio to her distress had decided to sit right next to her, his long legs stretched before him, the fabric of his pants gently brushing her bare exposed legs. He made her nervous and she didn’t like it and as she stole a glance at him she had the feeling he was not immune to her either.

“Thank you Amelia.” Mrs Gordon answered, “But I’m just a hostess it’s Antonio’s, I on the other hand prefer something less grand.”

“Come now Mother you love this place and we all know it. Antonio bought it for her Amelia; she spends eighty percent of her time here anyway, so it’s hers. So Dad what do you think of my Amelia she’s great isn’t she?” Belinda ,who was the only one not standing, directed her question to her father who had not participated in the conversation so far. Amelia felt like a bug under a microscope she was being scrutinized. Instead of answering her daughter Mr Gordon turned his attention fully on Amelia now. “So young lady where are your parents?”

“There are divorced Dad lives in the city but Mum lives in Lobenvale.”

“Are you married?”


“Do you intend to?”

“Not in the foreseeable future?”

“So why do you want to help Belinda? What exactly do you know about weddings? Do you have any experience in wedding planning? Is that what you do for a living? What do you want from my daughter?”

“Dad…” Belinda hissed affronted at her father’s openly hostile approach, Antonio only shifted and looked at her his eyes hooded he would have liked to ask her the same questions himself if he had not been so distracted by her.

“It’s ok Belinda I can answer, I’m twenty-six, single, graduated with a honours degree in engineering, so I’m not a wedding planner nor do I plan to be, I don’t know much about weddings except there’s a groom and a bride and of course the occasional possessive father-in-law.  Your daughter is my client and I’m designing her wedding dresses for her. I do not want anything from her in the way that you mean; she is the one who wants something from me, that is why we are here. The reason I agreed to help her plan the wedding is not professional, I like her as a person and I enjoy being around her. If there’s something I left out I will be most obliged to answer your questions.”

Mr Gordon burst into laughter, “I see now why Belinda likes you” and to Belinda  he said, “I approve of your friend and now I have to go your mother and I have a plane to catch”  Everyone stood up and they kissed each other goodbye and Amy was surprised when she was included in the farewells. There was genuine love and respect between this family it was not what she had expected from such rich people.  Amy was a bit disappointed when Antonio volunteered to drive his parents to the airport and then go straight to the office and she wondered why. “Now it’s just you and me Amy,” said Belinda, “This reminds me of when we were teenagers and our parents left, Toni and I could get into such mischief. Do u have brothers Amy?”

“No I don’t, I am an only child.”

“Too bad, I would offer Antonio to be your new brother but I have a feeling you wouldn’t want him like that.”

“What do you mean?”

“Oh nothing”

 The two months that followed were a blur to Amy as she juggled between helping Belinda and doing her own work at Leonardo’s. Leonardo had given her a part of his shop he had closed up years back, the ceiling had collapsed because of plumbing problems. Amelia had managed to get it all fixed and the little place was now neatly decorated in burgundy and all who came in adored it. Setting up business was proving hard, especially with Belinda popping in anytime she felt like it with her list of never ending demands, outrageous suggestions and endless stream of words. The two girls were closer and becoming like sisters. The only down side was that ever since that day Amy had seen Antonio only twice. Both times Antonio had been busy and had only spared them both a few minutes. Amelia had actually thought that he had liked her, but a handsome man like that usually went for better looking women than herself. She was glad she was so busy because at least she didn’t have much time to be lonely or depressed. Amy had finished the designs for Calibri and the launch for their ladies summer wear was tonight and both ladies were anxious to attend.

“That went well didn’t it, some of those dresses are really stunning” Belinda said to her friend enjoying the attention they were both getting. The launch had started in the afternoon and now there were at the after party.

 “Yes it went rather well, it’s such a wonderful feeling to see something that came right out of your own imagination now being worn by someone.”

“I wish I was that creative but I’m not so good with…..”

“Don’t underestimate yourself  Bel, your wedding is going to be spectacular and you came up with the whole theme wedding idea, so I would say you are pretty good and pretty creative too.” Amelia defended her friend.

“Thanks Amy, if only Richard would see some of the things you see in me.” Bel said with regret in her voice. Amy had met Richard and they had talked quite at length about Belinda.  All was not well in paradise, Amelia realised that Belinda thought that Richard did not love her, not the way she wanted to be loved anyway. Richard thought Belinda only wanted to marry him because of her father’s insistence. Richard was the vice president of Gordon enterprises, second in command to Antonio. Richard’s family had been the right hand men to the Gordons ever since the company had started a century ago. Amelia had realised that there was a lack of trust between them but they loved each other, Belinda was so passionate in all her ways and Richard was more reserved. Belinda wanted to be swept off her feet whilst Richard showed his love in a more practical way. She hoped they would settle their differences soon, before the wedding and get to know each other better before making their vows, the wedding was just two weeks away. A rocky relationship made a rocky marriage.

“He does Bel, if you could only open your eyes and see how much he adores you. He’s just not good at showing it.” Amelia felt she had to defend Richard. She liked Richard; if she was ever to have a brother she wished he was someone like Richard.

“Don’t defend him Amy, anyway let’s have a blast today, everything is ready for the wedding, no more appointments and designs to look over and approve, I say tonight let’s get drunk.” Belinda declared a little tipsy already. Amelia wasn’t so sure it was a good idea but Belinda was in such a mood today that she wondered if she had a fight with Richard. Maybe it was wedding jitters, might as well humour her Amelia thought. By the time the party ended Belinda could hardly stand and Amelia had to half carry her to her car.

“Should I call Richard, Bel?” Amelia asked as she tried to rouse Belinda. “Nooooooo.”  Belinda managed to whisper then she burped and burst into laughter, “take me to Antonio, I don’t want to see that big oaf today or ever, I want my brother.” Amelia was caught up on what to do but as she listened to Belinda launch into a tirade of oaths against Richard she made the decision to indeed take her to Antonio otherwise if she saw Richard like this, she might say something they would both regret.

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