Chapter four

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The next day Amelia was a bit nervous about her appointment with Belinda Gordon, she got ready two hours too early and had been prancing around her flat like a caged tiger since she woke up, she decided to go see Leonardo before she went to Win nard’s.

“Here comes the lady of the hour, they loved your dresses Amelia, the phone has been ringing nonstop since I got here.” Leonardo said as a way of greeting as soon as he saw her.

“Thanks to you Leonardo for having pity on poor little me,” Amy laughed as she was engulfed in a huge bear hug.

“And to think I almost turned you down. It was the sadness in your beautiful amber eyes that did the trick though.” Leonardo said as he gestured for her to sit. “So are you ready to be famous?”

“Famous? Me?” Amelia laughed, “Don’t tease me Leonardo, so, what’s Belinda like maybe if I knew a little more about what she’s like and what she likes it may it a bit easier for me to design something that suits her and to tell you the truth I’m a bit nervous about the meeting.”

“You should be, trust me I’m not kidding about the nervous part. Do you know who Belinda is?” Before she could answer he went on. “She is the only daughter to the Gordons of   Gordon Enterprises and if…..”

“What!” Amelia was taken aback she had not at all made the connection Gordon Enterprises was huge, it was an empire. She knew a lot about it she had had to at one time when she had to deal with them at Silone but she had never bothered to know too much about the owners Alexandra and Nancy Gordon. She didn’t even know they had a grown up daughter now she wished she had researched a bit more about them. She didn’t like rich people she hated the more the kind of lives they lead. Belinda would probably be spoilt, rude and arrogant, she had already seen a bit of it yesterday when she had ordered her to meet at two at Win nards and “Don’t be late,” she had said.

“So you see you should be nervous she will make or break you, wish you the best, really hope you impress her cause if you do…...” Leonardo was very expressive and was waving his arms in a sweeping gesture just to emphasis his point.

“Thanks Leonardo I will do my best, have to go now, I don’t want to be late,” Amelia said as she got up to go.

“I see you are learning fast, Belinda doesn’t like late people, so go on come in tomorrow so we can discuss business, because you are definitely in business now young lady.” Leonardo shooed her out of his office and then sat down heavily as he watched her go. He had a feeling this young woman was on a roll, there was nowhere for her to go but up and he felt good that he had been an instrument to her soon to be success.

“Good you are here, so are you ready to start or would you like to eat first?” Belinda said as she settled in the seat opposite Amelia. She had just come in at it was exactly two o’clock; she was always punctual thanks to her upbringing. On the other hand Amelia had arrived fifteen minutes earlier she wasn’t always punctual but was never more than fifteen minutes late.

“The truth is I’m too nervous to eat right now so if we can start and maybe eat later,” Amelia said

Belinda laughed, “A direct woman I like that, and why are you nervous?” the question was asked casually but Amy had a feeling it was a test so she decided to be honest again, she hated lying.   “You are my very first client and I’ve never done a wedding dress before so am not so sure if I can really.”

“And here I was thinking I scare you, so you are not intimidated by me at all, not even a little?” Amelia had a feeling she had passed the test. “Is there a reason why should I be?”

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