Chapter twelve

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Amelia woke up in an unfamiliar room; she was lying on a very comfortable settee, warm under a beautiful handmade blanket. She jumped up in surprise where was she? Was she dreaming?

“Hey sleeping beauty, good morning.” John said when he saw her move.

“Oh John, is it morning? I’m sorry i must have dozed off.”

“Well can’t say I’m not hurt, I’ve never had a woman fall asleep on me in the middle of a conversation.”

“Pardon my manners; I’ve never fallen asleep in the middle of a conversation before; I must have been more tired than I thought.”

“It’s ok, it was a new experience.”

“How did I get here? I can’t remember anything. Where are we?”

“Well I carried you, another new experience for me and we are at Winnard’s this is my office.”

“I’m so embarrassed; I hope I didn’t make a nuisance of myself.”

“Not at all, you behaved quite well if we don’t count the loud snores.”

“I don’t snore”

“Well tell that to someone who hasn’t seen you sleeping.”

“Do I really?”

“No I’m just kidding. You looked really beautiful and peaceful in your sleep the only sounds I heard from you were some queenly sighs. Quite dignified if you ask me.”

Amelia couldn’t help but laugh at that, she had never been accused of acting queenly in her sleep before. “Queenly, are you sure it was me?”

“Definitely your highness, I hope you are ready to eat, your stomach has been giving such royal rumbles that I ordered Pedro to prepare a meal fit for a queen,”

“Oh my, I dread to ask what else I did.”

“Nothing at all, do you want to eat here or we can go down to the restaurant.”

“Here please if it’s not too much trouble, I must look a mess.”

“You look beautiful and anyway the restaurant is already closed its way after eleven. I hope you don’t mind I took the liberty of ordering for you, I’ll just go down and get the food.” John quickly left the room, leaving Amelia alone. The office was spacious beautiful and modern, done up in shades of brown, it was really masculine yet comfortable. The settee she had been sleeping was one of two both a deep brown. The desk was mahogany and the chairs a coffee brown. The walls were painted a nice baidge. This must be the owner’s office and Amelia hoped that John wouldn’t get into any trouble for using it.

“I hope I won’t get you into any trouble with your boss.” Amy said as soon as John came back into the room pushing a heavily laden food tray.  John laughed and said,” don’t look so worried he’s quite a nice fellow. I’m sure he’ll understand.”

Amelia didn’t feel any better about it but she pushed all thoughts out as she hungrily eyed the food John was uncovering. “This smells so nice, my mouth is actually watering.”

“Enjoy.” John said as he handed her a plate and he settled into a chair nearby and began to dig in too. They ate in silence and Amelia had never quite enjoyed a meal like that before. After the meal there was desert a divine chocolate mousse that was so light it simply melted in the mouth. John was wonderful company and Amy had a great time, he then drove her home and left her at her doorstep with a goodbye and a sweet kiss on her forehead.

The next day Amelia was back at work, carrying on as if nothing untoward had happened, and pregnancy happened to most women, she was not that special.  Time flew by and Amy was so engrossed in her work that it was her tummy that reminded her she needed to eat, as if on que her phone rang.

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