there's love behind those zero phone calls (pt 4)

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A/N this is the last part :)

4 months later, in Mike's room, at around 9 pm

    This time, Will and Eleven were visiting Mike, not the other way around.  El was over Max's house for a sleepover and Will was over his house for a sleepover.

Surprisingly, Mike found it not being as awkward as he was afraid it would be. Sure, he talked a little too much, and had to hold back from complimenting him all the time, but still, being with Will just felt nice. Really nice. The whole day Mike had been admiring everything he did. Everytime he talked, Mike would smile and think to himself, "Oh. That's why I like him."

Unknown to Mike, Will felt the same. He felt it stronger though, because he had feelings for Mike much longer. He knew how to conceal it, but that didn't change the fact that his heart still jumped every time Mike moved closer. He couldn't help that he wanted to lean his head on his shoulder from time to time, or hold his hand, or just tell him how perfect he was. He didn't do any of those things, but he sure did consider it.

Sitting on Mike's bed, them close enough that they easily cuddle, both of them were considering it.

    "Everything's been weird without you. I keep wanting to bike to your house but there's no one there" Mike explained. He thought about moving closer to Will, maybe holding his hand. He decided against the idea.

    "Has anyone moved in yet?" Will inquired. He didn't know if he wanted someone to move in or not. On one hand, there were so many memories associated with that place. But, on the other hand, not all of those memories were good.

    "No. I wouldn't want them to" Mike confessed. The truth was that he did still visit the house from time to time. He missed it. He missed seeing Will there, he missed the sleepovers. He might have cried thinking about this, but he'd never tell anyone that. There were so many memories tied to that house, he just wasn't ready to associate it with someone other than Will's family. He thought about admitting this to Will, though it was embarrassing, and before he could talk himself out of it, the words tumbled out, "Y'know I actually do sometimes bike to your house. I just really miss you, I guess."

    That had caught Will off guard. Over the past months, he never really let himself believe that Mike cared about him as much as he said he did. Mike barely talked to Will the last time he visited, and the phone calls to just Will were still scarce.  But, hearing this, made his heart almost swell. Mike missed him. He really did. This was proof. Wow.

    "Really?" Will asked, looking at him. They made eye contact before Mike quickly looked away, almost embarrassed.

    "Yeah, it's stupid" he brushed it off. He feared he said too much already, and though he knew Will would never make fun of him, he still worried.

    "No it's not." Will objected. They held eye contact again. He continued, revealing something to him that he thought he never actually would, "I mean, I'm drawing a picture of you for art class. That's how much I...miss you."

    "Wait, really?" Mike exclaimed. He always had, secretly wanted Will to draw him. And the fact that he thought of Mike good enough to draw made him elated. He wondered what it looked like, how did Will draw him? He always thought Will was so talented with art. He would create an art gallery just of things Will drew, if he could.

    "Yeah," Will smiled. The assignment he was given was to draw a person from real life. Though he hadn't seen Mike in a while, he still had pictures. He used them for reference and ended up getting lost in drawing, putting detail in anything and everything. He never thought he'd tell Mike that, but since they were both admitting things, he thought he might as well.

    "Will, that's so awesome!" Mike beamed.

    "Thanks..." Will blushed slightly. He wasn't going to let his feelings get the best of him, but he didn't feel he had much control with all of these compliments going his way.

    There was some silence, as both of them were smiling and just revelling in the moment they shared. Then, the same thought crossed their minds at the same time. What if they confessed their feelings? Right now? What if?

"I'm sorry I didn't call you" Mike apologized, deciding to break the silence first. He knew it was an apology that Will deserved to hear, and he didn't really care if it made everything awkward.

And like Mike suspected, with that one sentence, the tone in the room shifted from regular, friendly conversation into something more tense.

"It's fine" Will said, quickly, trying to relieve the tension. He didn't actually know that Mike noticed that he wasn't calling him. He just thought that Mike didn't even care to notice.

    "It's not, I..." Mike trailed off, wondering if he should continue his thought. He almost decided against it until he looked at Will, the person that he regarded as the most amazing, but that he knew he hurt. He was about to open his mouth to confess until Will took his hand and the action flustered him into silence.

"Mike, it's fine" Will reassured, Realizing how close they were, he pulled back, blushing.

"Wait, come here" Mike blurted out, suddenly feeling confident. He didn't know what brought this on, all he knew was that he'd been hiding his feelings for too long.

Will didn't know why but he shuffled closer.

It was like their brains went on autopilot and there was no time for second thoughts.

Mike moved closer and brushed Will's lips quickly. When he pulled back, they stared at each other. Neither of them said anything for what felt like an eternity, though it must have been only for a few seconds.

Mike was surprised he did that.

Will was surprised too.

    "Why?" Will puzzled, timidly. It seemed too good to be true in his eyes.

    "I shouldn't have done that" Mike backtracked, worried that Will was upset.

    "No, you should have" Will replied, leaning in closer to Mike.

    Without even fully processing what he was doing, he leaned in and their lips touched, again.

    They pulled away, feeling warm with affection.

    "Well, I, uh, like you, obviously" Will admitted, his face turning even more red as before.

    "Good. This would've been kind of awkward if you didn't." Mike joked, earning a slight laugh from Will. "I like you too, like a lot" Mike confessed.

    Mike pulled him into a small hug, feeling warmth from both the blush on his cheeks and the embrace.

    Their hearts were beating fast, but they felt calm in the hug, never wanting to let each other go.

    They pulled apart and smiled.

    Mike leaned back in, and they kissed again.

    There wasn't any doubt in either of their minds. No upsetting thoughts.

All there was was overwhelming love for each other.

    And from then on, they called each other every single day.

A/N ok so as always thank you so much for reading!!! it really means a lot !! stan byler

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