unresolved feelings always have a conclusion (pt 3)

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Mike knew that Will's sleeping bag fit both of them. He knew this from experience, from the last time he saw him. This was before he figured out his feelings for Will, but he admits, he did feel maybe a little too happy being that close to him.

Another thing Mike knew was that Will would be nice enough to let him share his sleeping bag. And, also, he most likely wouldn't let him not share with him, considering the other option was lying on a tent with no source of comfort. He also knew that refusing Will's offer would make him look suspicious.

The situation was pretty much unavoidable and though it wouldn't happen for many hours, Mike still felt anxious.

How was he supposed to do this? How was he supposed to act like everything is perfectly normal when Will would be right there, being the amazing person he is? How is he going to pull this off? He's going to be an awkward, flustered mess.

"Hey" Will approached him.

"Oh, hey" Mike replied, trying to act like he wasn't just thinking about him.

There was an awkward silence,as neither of them knew what to say. This was also accompanied by awkward eye contact. Mike was unsure as to why Will wasn't saying anything,but he was more focused on his own nervousness.

"Mike!" Max ran up to him. Mike was a little relieved at her interruption, as he had no idea what he would say to Will next.

"Hi?" Mike posed his greeting as a question, confused why it was her that was interrupting.

"I need to talk to you" Max clarified, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the situation.

"What, why?" Mike questioned, though he was pretty sure he already knew what Max wanted to talk about.

"Just come here" Max urged, still pulling him along, until they were far away from everyone else.

"Max, if this is about Will don't even-" Mike protested.

"I know he likes you" Max interrupted. Mike stopped in his tracks.

"What?" Mike blurted. His first thought was something along the lines of "That Isn't possible."

"I overheard him talking to El" Max explained.

"El?" Mike asked. He knew Will and El were close now, but he would've thought that they wouldn't talk about him of all things.

"Yeah, they live together, they're like best friends now, keep up" Max added.

"Wait, what?" Mike asked, trying to figure out what was going on. He was still confused on the whole "Will liking him" thing. The information had slapped him in the face and he had no time to recover.

"He likes you, Mike! This is your chance" Max exclaimed.

"What do I even-" Mike started.

"You're sharing a tent with him! Tell him then." Max interrupted.

"But-" Mike started again.

"Or say you forgot your sleeping bag or something and you need to share with him" Max interrupted again.

"I did forget my sleeping bag" Mike admitted.

"Perfect!" Max chuckled.

"Wait, why are you trying to match make us?" Mike perplexed.

"Because, Mike." Max sighed, then continued, "I can't handle you two having obvious crushes on each other and not doing anything about it"

"Obvious?" Mike questioned.

"Yes, Mike! It's obvious. Will's heart eyes for you are even more intense than yours are", Max expressed. Mike didn't say anything. He was stunned by this conversation enough already.  Clear thoughts were not forming in his brain. Noticing Mike's inability to create words, Max continued, "He's not gonna reject you."

"Maybe" Mike stated, but only to shut her up.

"Maybe?" Max quizzed, as if to not believe him.

"Ok, fine! I'll do it!" Mike decided.

"I expect you to be in a relationship by tomorrow" Max smiled, walking away.

Mike had gained two things from the conversation. One, he would have to tell Will his feelings or he would never hear the end of it. And two, probably the most interesting thing to Mike, is that Will, apparently feels the same.

The thought that Will feels the same made Mike extremely happy. It made his heart feel things he had never felt before. Things he never felt with El. With El, it was easier. She liked him and he liked her and everything was normal. But with Will, it was different. It wasn't guaranteed that Will wold like him back or that there would be any chance of a relationship.

But if Max wasn't lying about what she heard, and Mike didn't know why she would lie, then perhaps everything would go right after all.

The final thought that entered his head was that he needed to hear a confession from Will, directly, or he would always live with the guilt of never knowing what could be. However,  the only way he could do that was by confessing himself.

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