unresolved feelings always have a conclusion (pt 2)

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The plan for Will and El's visit was that they would stay in Hawkins for a few days. Then, they would go on a camping trip. After that, they'd stay one more day in Hawkins, and then leave. So all Mike had to do was not mess up his interactions with Will for this amount of time.

He decided on a few strategies once Will got there, so he would avoid being too weird and not accidentally confess in any way.

Firstly, he didn't say much to Will. He talked to him here and there, but mostly he stayed away. This lead to him being abnormally quiet around everyone, considering that they mostly hung out as a group. He thought it was going well and nothing was suspicious and everything would just be fine. But instead, Max noticed his change in behavior and called him out on it.

"Mike, what's up with you? You're not being annoying as usual" Max questioned, one day.

"What? Nothing" Mike lied, nervously. He should've known that Max would be the one to call him out. Of course, it would be Max.

"Come on, Mike! Tell us." Max demanded. Mike knew he couldn't tell the truth and he definitely wasn't planning on it. But he also couldn't bring himself to make up a stupid excuse as to why he was acting this way.

"I said, it's nothing. Are you really going to interrogate me right now?" Mike snapped, deciding that denying everything was the best option.

"Jeez, ok. Sorry" Max retreated. Mike sighed, relieved that she dropped it.

"Are you really okay?" Will asked later, sitting next to Mike. Mike looked up at him, almost startled that he spoke. He stared into his eyes for an unusual amount of time, and Will returned the gaze.

"Yeah" Mike reassured, and then continued, "I'm fine." The first to break the stare was Mike.

Now, Mike knew he couldn't stay quiet with everyone thinking he was up to something.

So, he tried something new.

He decided from then on that the best option was to just pretend that nothing was wrong and act as usual. At least, as usual as he could be. Besides, how hard could it be to just pretend?

It turned out to be pretty hard.

Mike sat next to Will all the time, it made sense because they were the closest. But, every time he did, he felt like his heart might explode. And everytime Will spoke, he felt like he was in an avalanche of his own feelings. He admired Will in everything he did, and he had major heart eyes everytime he looked at him. This made talking to him like a normal person one of the hardest things in the universe.

One day, he accidentally let something slip.

"Wow, you're really cute" Mike once said without thinking, as Will was talking. The whole party stopped and stared at him.

"Thanks" Will mumbled, his face turning bright red.

"No! No, like I-I mean, like,you're cute but not in like, that's not what I, sorry" Mike tried desperately to fix his mistake.

"Relax, Mike, what are you, in love with him?" Max joked. Mike sent her a harsh look. The look on her face went from laughter to almost understanding. Quickly, she sent the conversation a different way, "Well, does anyone want to go to the movies?".

Later, Max pulled Mike aside at the movies and confronted him, which was exactly what he was afraid of. He was hoping that she would just drop it. Out of all people, he didn't need Max to know about his secret crush on his best friend. But, it was Max, of course she'd say something.

"So, Will" she prompted him.

"What about him?" Mike replied, clearly not wanting to talk about it.

"Come on, Mike. I saw how you acted today." Max persisted.

"Ok?" Mike retorted. He was hoping that he didn't really look bothered by the situation and not as nervous as he actually felt he was, though he feared that it was quite the opposite.

"I know you like him." Max sighed at his contained reaction, and then went on,"It's obvious. I mean, first, you practically ignore him. To hide your feelings, probably. Then, you started staring at him like, constantly. And plus you literally just called him cute like a few hours ago."

"Well, what am I supposed to do?" Mike faltered. Clearly, she had him all figured out.

"Tell him, you idiot!" Max exclaimed.

"And ruin our friendship?! Yeah, no thanks" Mike scoffed, walking away.

"Mike, do you seriously not think you have a chance with him?" Max called after him.

"Why would I?" Mike countered, turning around.

"Really? With the way Will looks at you?" Max hinted.

"What?" Mike puzzled. With the way Will looks at him? Was she implying what he hopes she was implying? Whatever, right? She wouldn't know anything for sure, anyway.

"All I'm saying is: if you like him so much, just ask him out already!" Max advised. When Mike rolled his eyes and didn't say anything, she continued, "It's not gonna 'ruin your friendship', trust me."

And the conversation ended there. Mike wasn't going to try her advice, obviously. There was too much at risk and he just wasn't ready for that.

But a few days later, when their camping trip was scheduled, he arrived at the campsite and saw Will' perfect smile. He realized yet again how tough hiding his feelings would be. Especially since they were sharing a tent, and would be very close to each other.

It should be fine though, it's not like they were sharing sleeping bags or anything.

"Oh shit" Mike thought as he realized.

He forgot to bring a fucking sleeping bag.

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