unresolved feelings always have a conclusion (pt 4)

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A/N: this is the last part!! thank y'all for the support I really appreciate it 😍🥰❤️

Mike had had hours to prepare himself for the confession, but once the time rolled around and they were both in the tent, he felt like he had never been more unprepared in his life.

They were sitting in awkward silence, like they both had something on their minds that they were too afraid to say out loud (which was pretty much what was going on). Mike kept trying to convince himself to say something, so the confession could finally be over and done with. But they still sat there, in total silence, for a few more minutes before he actually said anything.

"So...uh" Mike started, realizing he had no idea how to finish that sentence. After taking a few moments to decide what to say he continued with, "I have something to tell you", so he wouldn't have to admit it right then and there.

"What?" Will looked up at him, and Mike realized just how much he really liked him. Will's eyes had always seemed to sparkle, and though the bullies would say otherwise, his face was one of the most beautiful Mike's ever seen. It wasn't just about looks, though. Will has always been one of the nicest people he's known. Especially, to Mike. He always drew Mike things, like Dungeons and Dragons related things, or sometimes just random objects. Whatever he drew, Mike loved it. Will was also always the most accepting of the party, and Mike knew that if he confessed, he wouldn't hate him. But, then again, he didn't want to be the first that Will didn't accept.

"I, uh, didn't bring a sleeping bag" Mike admitted, though that wasn't what he was trying to admit.

"Oh" Will commented.

"Yeah.." Mike trailed off, not wanting to ask Will to share his sleeping bag, though in this moment that's all he wanted to ask.

"Well, you can just share with me!" Will offered, smiling, but also blushing. Mike smiled, noticing him blushing, noting that it made him even cuter than before. He hoped the blush was from a possible crush, and not actual discomfort. But what if it was?...

"Oh, um you don't have to" Mike protested, not wanting to make Will uncomfortable.

"You can't just sleep on the floor" Will pointed out.

"Yes I can" Mike countered. Secretly, he was hoping that he wouldn't have to, and he could sleep next to Will. But that was a secret.

"Mike, just get in" Will persuaded.

"Ok" Mike mumbled, giving in to both his own desires and Will's kind gesture.

They both got into the sleeping bag, and layed down, turned to look at each other.  and Mike felt himself starting to blush at how close they were. He hoped that his blush wasn't obvious, but they were close and Will could probably see.

Mike studied Will's facial expression, hoping that there wasn't some sort of trace of disgust that he was worried about. Noticing that Will seemed fine with it, though he did have a noticeable blush on his face even more noticeable than before, Mike felt relieved.

He knew he had to confess. It was the perfect time. They were close, and it was quiet, and he had to do it. When would he ever get another chance?

"You're cute" was what came out instead of the actual confession. Immediately, he felt embarrassed and avoided looking at Will.

"Why do you keep saying that?" Will asked, blushing.

"I'm sorry, I just, uh, I..."Mike stuttered, trying to figure out what to say next. He was worried Will had felt grossed out by his compliments, and he was starting to rethink his whole plan.

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