Female Future Gohan x Male Reader

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Part One.

Third Person POV

Fresh air, tranquility and relaxation.

Those three words did not belong into the description of this world with the shape it is in now.

It was full of ruin, terror and destruction. Not one soul could live without the paranoia of being killed roaming within their minds.

Why is that do you ask?

Wait, you didn't? Well erm...let's pretend you did.

This was all from the cause of two Androids being released into the world, walking the Earth and causing havoc wherever they went.

All of the Z-Fighters, those you might know who protect the Earth, have all fallen to them without any difficulty.

Only two hopes survived. But little to their knowledge, there was one more. However..

He wasn't exactly willing to fight.

"Crap, crap, CRAP!" A young man voiced in peril.

This voice belonged to the individual known as (Y/N) (L/N), who was now running for dear life.

Oh wait, now you're stopping and panting.

With your hands on your knees, that were now bent, you breathed heavily, desperately wanting air to fill your lungs.

"Oh..*pant*..balls! Who knew that running..*huff*..from two psycho Androids..*wheeze*..would be so frickin' hard!" You gasped, breathing between sentences.

Moving on from your griping, your mind shifted gears as it tried to think of ways to get you out of this situation.

"Think, think! What would dad do?! Hm..think back.." You told yourself.


"But daaaad! I don't wanna do my homework!" A younger (Y/N) whined.

"Either get your calculator, or get my belt." Your father threatened.

"Y'know, I really SHOULD be focusing more on school! I'll go get the calculator!" You replied, instantly changing your tune.

~Flashback ends~

Realizing that that wouldn't be helpful whatsoever, you turned away the thought.

"Erm..maybe not."

Your heart rate suddenly spiked as you heard a pair footsteps that were coming right this way. You clenched your fists as dismay swirled within your body.

And you were fully aware of who those footsteps exactly belonged to.

"Seriously?! Why can't these guys just screw off and kill SOMEONE ELSE?!" You groaned.

"Well you see, my friend. The reason for that is.." A chilling voice began, getting more clear to hear as it approached.

"Is because you're annoyingly troublesome. And we hate troublesome things." Another voice finished in an annoyed manner.

"Oh yeah? Then why don't you just off yourselves then already?!" You taunted, a smirk swimming to the surface of your lips.

The voices finally gained enough distance to have their forms be seen.

One was a male, having raven hair and icy blue eyes that could pierce your very soul.

The other one, a female with bright blonde hair and also having eyes of the azure color.

Female DB Characters X Male Reader: Love in the Dragon Ball World.Where stories live. Discover now