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Teacher AU!

(A/N: I found this a d o r a b l e thing on tumblr about teacher x teacher cuteness and wished to write for that immediately.)

Tooru Oikawa x Hajime Iwaizumi

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"Alright everyone, thats it for today! No homework tonight, just be sure to study for the upcoming test." Oikawa said, finished with his lesson today.

Oikawa gathered his stuff together to bring to his work space to grade it before going home. He didn't want to have to spend all weekend on grading when he could spend all his time with his wonderful Iwa-Chan.

"Ugh- Iwaizumi-sensei is so mean! We have so much homework to do." Oikawa heard his troublesome student, Hinata, whine.

"I wish he was as layed back as Oikawa-sensei. He never gives us homework." His friend replied.

"Don't bad mouth Iwaizumi-san. He's just trying to help you all out for the future. Math is very important when you become an adult." Oikawa tried to reason with the two.

Oikawa really hated hearing students talk bad about his significant other. He tried to stay the cool teacher and not tell them off about it too harshly, but it made him sad to hear people didn't like Hajime. Oikawa tried to talk about it with him before, but Iwaizumi clearly ignored him.

"Yeah, but his classes are so boring I fall asleep in them everyday!" Hinata said.

"You fall asleep in every class, dumbass." Hinata's other friend, Kageyama, hit him upside the head.

"Kageyama-kun, language and be nice to your friends." Oikawa glared at the boys. Kageyama rolled his eyes at the teacher, and the boys continued their conversation as they left class.

Oikawa continued to gather up his stuff as he headed towards the teacher work room. He couldn't wait to see his Iwa-Chan. Oikawa was too lost in thought to hear the two boys scheming close behind him.

"We should break into the teacher work room and steal tomorrows math homework!" Hinata exclaimed.

"How is that going to help? We still have to do tonights." Kageyama ridiculed the idea.

"Yeah, but then we won't have any over the weekend! So we'll just be able to practice volleyball the whole time!" Hinata said.

"What are we going to do?" Kageyama was now interested. The two turned to watch Oikawa enter the door.

"We'll wait until Iwaizumi-sensei leaves from there. Then when he's gone we'll go in and say we're looking for the homework. So, we'll go through his stuff and find tomorrows homework and take it all!" Hinata explained.

Kageyama saw no flaws in the terrible plan, and the two waited in the hall near the work room until the mean math teacher left. Meanwhile, after Oikawa entered, he approached a poor Iwaizumi trying to do work.

"Hajime, did you give the kids even more homework this time?" Oikawa said to his boyfriend.

Iwaizumi looked up from his paperwork towards the brunette. Oikawa could feel daggers piercing him from the slight look to the side his boyfriend gave him.

"Why does it matter to you?" He asked.

Oikawa rushed to sit in his seat, turning his office chair towards Iwaizumi. He had already stopped doing his work knowing Oikawa would pester him for the next few minutes.

"We've talked about this before, Hajime! It doesn't help the kids to spend their whole night doing homework and you're just going to get bad results!" Oikawa tried to explain.

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