Kei Tsukishima

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Kei Tsukishima × Reader
TW: This oneshot contains topics of depression. If you feel you will be negatively affected by reading about this, please do not read this oneshot
Word Count: 1859

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  Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were your long time best friends. Tsukki scared off the bullies and Yamaguchi comforted you. But then you three became older, and Yamaguchi was practically your personal therapist. He would talk with you about your anxieties, no matter the time. He would always visit you when you didn't go to school because you just couldn't get up in the morning. Yamaguchi even helped push you to talk to your parents and start going to professional therapy.

Then came high school, Yamaguchi and Tsukki had always done volleyball together. But, high school volleyball was when it got serious. Much of your friends' time was occupied with practice and homework. Yamaguchi became busy and had troubke making time for you.

"Hey Tadashi, what're you up to?" You called him.

"Oh hey (Y/N), sorry I'm a bit busy right now. Can I call you back later?" He replied.

"Oh y-yeah, just call me whenever and I'll probably answer." You happy attitude faltered a bit.

Yamaguchi said a few more things before hanging up. You dropped your phone, bad thought beginning to swarm your head.

"He's probably tired of me by now. Why would I still be talking to him if I'm seeing a therapist. I annoy him. I shouldn't talk to him anymore. He would be better off not dealing with me, everyone would." Your thoughts spiraled deeper and deeper, only being interrupted by a loud knock at your door.

"Probably just some delivery guy." You walked downstairs to answer the door. Once you did, you were greeted by someone unexpected.

"Hey, Tsukki! What are you doing here?" You opened the door, seeing the skinny and tall blonde.

"Yamaguchi told me to come check on you." Tsukishima said.

"Why would I need to be checked on? I'm not some kid." You replied, trying to get him to leave.

"You overreact easily. He didn't want you getting depressed over hanging up on you." Tsukishima rolled his eyes. His actions and statement was a stab to your self-esteem.

"W-well, I'm fine. So you can go now and not waste your time here." You began to close the door.

He placed his foot in the way so that you wouldn't, "Stop that, I'm supposed to talk to you or Yamaguchi will get mad. So you better let me in."

You opened the door, allowing him to come in. He took off his shoes and followed you over to your couch, where you two sat down.

"This is usually what Tada-kun and I do." You shrugged. There was an awkward silence for way to long.

"Do you usually just sit in silence or do you actually talk?" Tsukishima filled the silence with his rude comment.

"Why do you even care Tsukki. Its not like you bothered all the other times. I've been worse." You said, looking away from him. It was silent once again.

"Shit, I scared him off. He's going to hate me and leave. I always ruin things around Tsukishima. I shouldn't have let him in. Why am I such an idiot." You thought, tears beginning to prick you eyes. You felt hands gently on your shoulders, causing you to look up at him.

"I don't like comforting people. Other people's emotions are annoying. Yamaguchi can do that. He told me what was going on since middle school, so I try to be nicer to you then some other idiots." He replied.

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