Tobio Kageyama

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Tobio Kageyama × Reader
Coffee Shop! AU
TW: None
A/N: Surprisingly I've never written one of these before, but I found another interesting prompt on tumblr that I wanted to use.
Word Count: 995

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At your new job, your boss, Daichi Sawamura, often took your team out to get coffee at a local small coffee shop. His husband, Koushi Sawamura, was the owner, so he was loved treating a bunch of people to coffee there.

You managed to get a good position in the company working with a lot if successful men. So, you tried to act tougher and stronger than usual around them. And of course, one way to show this was to order a black coffee everytime you went to coffee shop. You hated it with every sip, it burned your throat and was so bitter. You never visibly showed your hate for the drink though. You happily thanked Daichi for the coffee, painstakingly drank the majority of it, then threw away the small bit left.

Kageyama Tobio recently started at the Sawamura's coffee shop. Usually when your work team came, he was the barista. He'd see the tall and tough looking group of men walk in, but you always stood out the most to him. Mainly, you were probably half the size of most of them and looked no older than maybe 20. As he later found out, you were about 28 years old.

Business was pretty slow after your group ordered and got your drinks. Kageyama rested his head against his arm as he leaned against the counter. It was quiet enough he could hear Daichi talking to everyone.

"(Y/N), your black coffee." Daichi handed you the cup.

"I don't understand how you can drink that, (Y/N)." Asahi commented.

"I guess I got it from my dad. He drank black coffee all the time." You replied then took a sip of the drink.

Kageyama looked at the small wince on your face as you swallowed. "Knew it." He thought. He could tell from the start you didn't actually like black coffee. You were too cute to prefer that soul sucking drink. Well, he wouldn't admit that was his reasoning.

The next time Daichi and your team came over, Koushi was the main barista at the moment. But that changed quickly once Daichi and Suga needed to "talk" about something in the back. Kageyama rolled his eyes and started on the usual drinks. He was pouring cream into the wide cup to make the usual design the drink was served with.

"Wow, thats so cool!" He heard someone comment.

Kageyama snapped his harsh gaze towards the person. Of course, it was none other than you, (Y/N) (L/N).

"Eh— I mean, its really interesting how you do that." You corrected yourself, clearing your throat.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be talking business." Kageyama asked.

You blushed, "W-well, we usually wait for Sawamura-san to start that, so I just wanted to come over here. I think it's coo— interesting how you make drinks!"

"You've said that twice already." Kageyama pointed out, moving onto the next drink he needed to do.

"I'm not too good at coming up with fancy words." You awkwardly admitted. You warched Kageyama silently work for a few minutes.

"Hey, I have a question for you." Kageyama said.

"O-oh, ask away!" You gave a polite smile.

"Why do you get black coffee everytime, you clearly can't handle it." Kageyama stated.

Your smile dropped a bit, "Of course I can handle it! I love black coffee." Kageyama gave you a look whcih basically told you there was no point in arguing.

"Look. I just got promoted to Sawamura-san's team. Everyone here is super strong and manly, so I also want to be like that! A bunch of people want my position, so if I can't adapt to the group I could get demoted!" You explained.

Kageyama once again gave you a dubious look, "So you prove your worth by getting black coffee?"

"It shows that I'm different, and I'm strong like them!" You exclaimed, leaning up on your toes to nearly meet eye to eye with Kageyama.

"Damn, that's cute." He thought, a sudden blush covering his face. He turned away to busy himself with anything until the blush disappeared.

"What do you want?" Kageyama asked.

"What do I want?" You repeated.

"Yeah, like to drink. You clearly don't want the coffee. So what do you really want." Kageyama said.

"Really, are you sure? I can pay for whatever it is to change it, you don't need to do that!" You shook your head.

"Too bad, I am." Kageyama said.

"Can I get a hot chocolate?" You quietly asked.

"Sure." He began making the drink.

"Thank you so much!" You exclaimed as he turned away from you.

Both the Sawamuras walked out from the back room, and you followed Daichi back to the table your group usually sat at. Him and Asahi brought over the drink everyone ordered.

"Heres your black coffee, (Y/N)." Asahi handed you the cup.

"Is it actually black coffee? Did he just lie to me and not make a hot chocolate?" You thought.

You took a sip of the drink, preparing for the bitter taste, but instead you tasted chocolate. He had made you hot chocolate. You looked towards Kageyama at the counter and gave him a bright smile then you went back to your conversation. You didn't notice Kageyama looking away with a blush.

While you were holding the warm cup to your cold hands, you noticed some writing on the cardboard sleeve. You moved your hands to look at the writing. It was a phone number with the words, "Call me sometime dumbass." You smiled again sipping from the cup.

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This was a bit shorter than the usual, but it's not like I'm trying to write an essay here.

Hope you enjoyed~

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