Tooru Oikawa

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Life Saver

(A/N: This is some Tik Tok shit right here, but I liked the idea and y'know there might be a twist because sad angst makes me sad)

AU- When you turn 13, the age you die at appears on your body as a tattoo.

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17, you dreaded the number. It would be your age when you graduate high school and have to go to college and become an adult. But it was also the number on your shoulder that predicted the age you would die at.

Many people who turned 13 saw their number as a blessing. They knew exactly how long they had left to do what they want. But others, like yourself, saw it as a curse. A reminder of the miniscule amout of time you'd be on this Earth.

You walked around the ever famous, Aoba Josai High School in search of a good spot to sit quietly and read. You didn't want too many people to miss you when your quick death occured, so you stayed away from most people. Reading was a pretty good substitute for socializing.

Eventually, you found an empty gym building. So you decided to sit outside it for a bit. No one would go inside it now, there wasn't enough time for a full team practice during a lunch hour. Your heart rate began to pick up as the book was starting to get good. The chapter ended on a cliff hanger, so you quickly continued to the next. But your curiosity of thr next chapter was halted by some guy starting to talk to you.

"Oh- are you here to watch us practice? I haven't seen you around before." You could hear the flirtatious-ness in the way he spoke.

"No, I'm just here to read." You looked intesely down at the book. You hoped acting like you were reading made them go away.

"What are you- ow!" The flirtatious guy leaned very close to see what you were reading, but the guy beside him smacked him over the head.

"Mind your own business, Trashikawa." He shook his head and dragged the brunette off into the gym.

You didn't know the other guy very well, but you knew the one who spoke to you was Oikawa, Tooru. You eavesdropped on numerous conversations where he was the topic. He was pretty popular, and the school's star volleyball player.

You faintly heard some bickering inside the gym, before it sounded most likely volleyballs hitting the gym floor. You really wanted to continue reading, but your curiosity of the volleyball boys distracted you.

"I can just watch for a second then leave." You thought. You put your book into your bag.

You stood at the edge of the door, hiding from the two guys. The brunette was no longer wearing glasses, and the strong guy looked very focused and a bit angry.

"I thought you were good at this, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa said.

"Just serve another one." The other guy replied.

You watched as Oikawa stood back, throwing the volleyball in the air then jumping up and hitting it over the net. It was beautiful, especially when the other guy perfectly received it. Unfortunately, right after that you sneezed and the two guys looked in your direction. You were quick enough to hide and they went back to practicing. Your face was bright red for awhile after that.

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