Asahi Azumane

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Giving Asahi A Heart Attack

I love Asahi~

Asahi Azumane x Reader

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Asahi was sat on his couch with a few of his friends watching TV. He was practically falling off his seat with how close he was trying to get to the screen. They were only watching the olympics there couldn't possibly be anything that made him this nervous. Well, currently he was watching (L/N) (Y/N), his girlfriend, getting ready to do her routine.

(A/N: I'm lazy. Idk if thats right, sorry.)

He had recently started seeing a lot of news stories on olympic athletes like you getting injured and leaving then recovering for months. As you raised your arms above your head, Asahi's heart began to beat faster and faster. He felt Noya slap him the back, but he didn't care much as his eye focused on the screen.

The camera switched showing a wider view of you as you began. You did amazing and graceful flips in the air. Spinning around, twisting, leaping splits into the air, then you landed. Asahi began to sweat seeing your body take a second to steady itself before you successfully planted your feet on the ground and applause and cheers roared around you. You were smiling happily as the camera once again showed your face, and you went off to high five your tean members.

Meanwhile, the people around him were also cheering. Noya and Tanaka were side hugging Asahi, Hinata was loudly cheering, and the others were happily celebrating your success.

"She did it, Asahi! (Y/N) is definitely going to get enough points to place!" Suga said encouragingly to the brunette.

"Yeah, she's amazing." Asahi smiled.

A few weeks a later, you returned home. Unfortunately you did not place to continue on, but you had set a new self record as a new and upcoming athlete. Asahi was there to happily greet you at the airport.

"I missed you so much, Asahi!" You reached your arms up to wrap around his neck.

"Me too! You did so amazing, we were all watching." Asahi smiled, pecking your lips.

"You were watching? I told you to stop doing that! Suga said he was worried you were actually having a stroke last time!" You pouted, slapping his arm as you two walked towards baggage claim.

"I couldn't miss it. I want to support you." Asahi gave a nervous smile.

You stopped, "Just say it already, I can see you want to."

"Fine, but you never listen! Please be careful when you go up to do your routine! Make sure theres enough chalk on your hands, but not too much to make your slip. And drink more milk, I don't want you to break any bones!" Asahi was visibly nervous as he talked to you. People walked by with confused looks at the sight of such a big guy freaking out.

"I'm always careful Asahi. Thats why we practice. So you don't end up watching my ankle snap on national television." You replied.

Asahi sighed. It was a good answer, but not what he was looking for, "Let's just get your bags and go home. It's been awhile since we've been on a date."

"Awhile? It's been like since high school!" You gently punched his arm, but it still caused him to flinch.

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Not long after your season, Action #2 of the things you did that gave Asahi a heart attack. He liked going on peaceful hikes. Nature was beautiful, he just loved to take it all in on a nice walk. Well, unfortunately for him, you weren't always for the peaceful part.

"(Y/N), please get off!" Asahi had a death grip on your hand as you walked across a fallen over log on the path. It was rather close to the edge of a small drop, and he was terrified you would slip and fall.

"Its just like a balance beam! I can never stop practicing!" You insisted, lifting up on your toes as you walked across it. You successfully made it across and safely planted your feet back on the ground.

Asahi calmed down a bit, but it wasn't long before you found something else. Once you were higher up the incline, there was this small ledge that over looked a bunch of other mountains.

"Asahi, look! It's so beautiful!" You exclaimed.

"Wow it is." He smiled.

"Could you take a picture of me? You're always so great at that!" You asked.

"Okay." He took his phone out to take the picture.

He thought it would just be you standing normally but of course it wasn't. You backed yourself up to the edge of the small ledge. Seeing you so close to another steep drop made his heart almost beat out of his chest.

"Can you get all the mountains?" You asked.

"I-it's just a bit off, but it's alright." He stuttered a bit.

You raised up on your toes a bit unsteadily. "Is this better?" You asked.

"O-okay three, two, one." Asahi replied, paying more attention to how close you were to the egde of the cliff.

"Alright, i-it's great! L-lets get going." He quickly tried to get you away from the edge.

"Right to the point, Asahi? Don't you wanna'-" You gasped as you stumbled back a bit when you accidently slipped on a rock.

You could have sworn Asahi had teleported with how quickly he was now infront of you, holding your waist, and pulling you away from the edge.

"A-a-are yo-you al-alright?!" He asked.

You chuckled, "I'm fine! You acted like I was about to die!"

"What if you fell off! Take this seriously, (Y/N)!" He held you tighter.

"I'm fine, Asahi! You can let go now." You insisted.

"Lets start heading back down now." Asahi sighed. He looked exhausted.

"Are you sure? We're really close to the top!" You said.

"I don't think I can take it if you walk near another cliff edge." He sighed. He was already bringing you back down the path.

"Fine Asahi, but next time we better make it to the top!" You followed him.

He held your hand the entire walk back down, and you made sure not to try and walked along the edge again. One day, you were going to give Asahi a heart attack.

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Oof lame ending but you'll probably see a lot of Asahi content sooner or later. I love this ace.

Hope you enjoyed~

Word Count: 1081

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