Tetsurou Kuroo

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One Night Stand?

(Another odd title that makes this one shot seem suspicious)

If you didn't know: (F/N) means Friend's Name (whoever is used for this will be refered to as they/them because thats easier for me to write)

Tetsurou Kuroo x Reader

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"I don't want to go to a party, (F/N). Those things suck." You shook your head.

"Come on, its only one college party, and we don't even have class tomorrow!" They rolled their eyes.

"Where even is it?" You asked.

"Its a bit off campus. Sawamura-kun is holding it- he's my friend with the volleyball scholarship, you met him before." They explained.

"Sawamura-kun doesn't seem like the type to host parties." You commented.

"Well, technically it was supposed to be a party for him and his old volleyball friends, but its definitely going to be a lot more people. I heard he let everyone invite some other people but Kuroo-kun invited like- every one he knew. Daichi's gonna' be pissed." They said.

"Fine, I'll go. But I'm only staying to 11, and you better stay with me the whole time." You agreed.

"Of course, of course! This is gonna' be so much fun!" They exclaimed.

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It was 8pm, (F/N) and you were walking up to the house now. (F/N) looked dressed to go to a club, and you were wearing what you always wore. Once you two got there, it was already packed. People were standing and talking on the front porch, with drinks or cigarettes in hand.

Then the inside also looked fairly calm as the outside did. Just a bunch of people standing around and talking or watching TV. No one was especially drunk yet.

"Hey (F/N), didn't think you would show up!" A tall guy with messy black hair wrapped an arm around their shoulders. Following behind him was a shorter guy with long hair. The tips were blonde while everything from the roots were brown.

"Hey Kuroo! Oh, (Y/N), this is Kuroo. How was Daichi about all these people suddenly at his house?" She asked the tall guy.

"Ha- you could hear him yelling from down the block! Suga and him were too nice to kick anyone out though. Maybe this party will actually be fun." Kuroo laughed.

"You said this was just going to be volleyball people, not everyone." The shorter guy quietly told him.

"You need to get out more, Kenma. Stop sulking in our dorm." Kuroo slapped the guy on the back, nearly sending him to the ground.

"I'm going to find Yaku. Text me when we're leaving." He walked off up the stairs.

"So, (F/N). Whos this?" Kuroo glanced over at you. There was a smirk on his face that instantly sent a blush to your face.

"Oh, this (Y/N). We've been friends since high school. Why don't you go with Kuroo, (Y/N). I'm gonna' go thank Daichi for inviting me." (F/N) slipped away from Kuroo's arm. You tried to protest, but they were already gone before you could.

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