Karasuno Boys

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Trans! Reader (FTM)

DISCLAIMER: Let me say this right away, I'm not trans. I am not trying to offend anyone who is by writing about this, as I say many times. I love and support the trans community, and I don't generally see a lot of Haikyuu stuff on this. So I thought I'd write some stuff.

For this one shot, (Y/N) will be used for whatever name you want to go by.

Also wow theres 300 views on this book, thank you for that!

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"Shit, I'm gonna be late!" You looked at your phone after leaving the bathroom.

Usually you would change in the bathroom instead of the club room since you had yet to come out to any of the club members. It wasn't ideal, and the other club members constantly encouraged to go to the club room instead. But, you still weren't sure how they'd react and decided changing in the bathroom was the easiest option.

"(Y/N), you're late again! Come on, lets go. Everyone else started running already." Suga waited for you to catch up. You could see the other club members running on the sidewalk up ahead.

"Sorry Suga-san!" You apologized to your senpai, trying to catch up to the group.

"You need to start changing in the club room! Couch Ukai is getting pretty mad that you're coming late, and I'm pretty sure Daichi is going to be talking to you about it today." Suga said.

"I'll see what he says." You replied, quietly running beside him the rest of the run.

Practice went as usual. Hinata and Kageyama doing some insane move and everyone else doing stuff that wasn't nearly as appreciated. But true to Suga's words, Daichi pulled you aside after practice to talk.

"(L/N)-kun, we need to talk." Daichi had his arms crossed.

"Are you breaking up with me?" You joked.

"Please be serious." Daichi sighed.

"What do you want to talk about?" You asked, stepping outside of the gym with the team captain.

"You've been late to practice everyday this week." Daichi crossed his arms.

"Yup, I have." You nervously rocked on your feet.

"You need to start changing in the club room. And thats a rule for you from now on. I can't continue to let you keep getting late. It wastes the the time we have in the club waiting for you." Daichi said.

"C'mon, can't you just make me clean up the gym after practice for a week or make me sit out of games. Making me change in the club room isn't much of a punishment." You rolled your eyes.

You tried to hide the nervousness in your voice and body language. You weren't ready to come out just yet and that would be your only option if you did start changing there.

"You're an amazing player, (L/N), and we need you in our games. But there needs to be some reprocussion for you being late and this is what I've decided. So, get your stuff and go to the club room." Daichi said giving one of his heartwarming smiles.

"Uh- I'm fine today. I can just change at home." You tried to get away.

Daichi grabbed the collar of your shirt, somewhat choking you as he pulled you with him.

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