Asahi Azumane

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Big Boi Asahi

Thanks to DEATH4532 for this one, and I'll actually try and stick to the request and not hecc it up like the others that sort of don't exist.

Asahi Azumane x Reader

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"Hello everyone, my name is (L/N) (Y/N). I hope we can all get to know eachother!" You introduced yourself to your new class. You decided to transfer to Karasuno after a lot of time considering it at your old school.

You bowed and took a seat that your teacher pointed you to. It was near the back of the room. As you made it to your seat you noticed a guy sitting in the back. He had on a bit of a different uniform than the rest of the students. But, his features stood out to you the most.

"He has a beard!? Was he held back a year or something?" You thought. He had long hair that was pulled into a bun and was looking down at a paper somewhat angrily.

"Is he some sort of delinquent? He looks like he's going go beat someone up!" You took your seat and tried your best to forget about the guy behind you.

At the end of class you were packing up your stuff to go eat lunch. You had a few friends from middle school at Karasuno that you kept in contact with. You didn't feel so alone just yet.

"Excuse me." A deep voice caught your attention as the person tapped on your shoulder.

It was the delinquent guy from earlier. Looking at him now, there was another feature you hadn't noticed in your quick glance earlier, his arms. More specifically, he had muscle. His voice even sounded like an adult's.

"You left this on your desk." He handed you a book that you got in class for the English assignment. He gave you a small smile.

"Th-thank you." You took the book and practically ran off. You didn't want to talk to long to him in fear he would drag you with his other delinquent friends.

Asahi stood there confused, wondering what he did to already scare the new girl.

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"I don't know his name, but he definitely looked like he was in a gang!" You told your friends at lunch.

"Oh- are you talking about Matsuoka-san? He was held back a year for missing too many school days, and people say they saw him beating up people outside of school!" (F/N/1) asked.

"Oh yeah, him! He has brown hair and he's really tall. Could it be him?" (F/N/2) added.

"Definitely him." You nodded.

"I'd stay away from him then. He's super manipulative and could probably pull you into some bad things." (F/N/1) said.

"Thanks, I'll do that." You replied.

"Oh hey, do you want to come with us to watch the volleyball club play after school?" (F/N/2) quickly changed the topic.

"The volleyball club?" You questioned.

"The boys volleyball club, specfically. They're really good, and the guys are pretty cute." (F/N/1) advertised the idea.

"I guess I can go watch it with you guys, it sounds interesting." You shrugged.

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