Shoyou Hinata

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A-Z Fluff Headcannons

I've done this in my other one shot book, and it helps when I'm lazy.

Shoyou Hinata x Reader

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A- Affection (how affectionate are they in day to day life? Do they show affection publicly or keep that more in private?)

   He's pretty affectionate wherever you two are. He'll kiss your cheek before he goes to volleyball practice, he hugs you tightly before leaving your house everytime he visits, and he'll do both whenever he sees you after a successful game. His friends and the volleyball team tease him for it, but he could care less.

B = best memory (what is the best memory they have with you)

   Of course his best memory was a volleyball one. You two were at the park's volleyball court, and he was teaching you how to play. His explanations weren't that great since you didn't know what most offical terms, and you also didn't know what a "woosh" and "bang" was. By the end of it you were able to atleast serve it over the net, and Hinata was very happy.

C = cat or dog person (this is pretty obvious)

Dog person, he needs an animal who has just as much energy as him.

D = dreams (what do they want to do in life?)

  He wants to be a famous volleyball player on the national team by the time he's in college. He also dreams to get into those volleyball magazines as a top player.

E = evenings (how do they spend their evening? Do they go out? Do they read?)

   If he's not doing anyting related to volleyball, he's likely with you. You help him try and do his homework, and he seems like he's getting better at it. But, he still never does it unless you're around to help him.

F = first date (what was it like?)

   It was very awkward. He took you out to dinner at a small cafe, where you two awkwardly ran into Daichi and Suga also on a date. All four of you decided to keep that a secret. But he ended it very sweetly by walking you home and kissing you before leaving.

G = giggle (what is their laugh like? What makes them laugh?)

   His laugh is contagious. His smile is so bright and his laugh is so happy it just makes you laugh with him, even he's laughing at something completely nonsensical.

H = hugs (do they like hug? What kind of hugs do the give?)

  His hugs live up to his name. They're usually warm and somehow reach every part of you, even though he's not that big. Usually the hugs he gives are happy goodbye ones. But, even if he's hugging you to hide that he's crying from loosing a game, its still warm.

I = instrument (do they play an instrument?)

   Is volleyball an instrument?

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