Daichi Sawamura

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I don't even know what to put here, but damn Daichi's t h i c c

Daichi Sawamura x Male! Reader

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Your group of friends cheered as the Karasuno girls soccer team scored another point. Two of your friends had girlfriends on the team, so at most of their games the whole friend group very loudly cheered on the team.

"27 is still super hot, right (Y/N)?" (F/N) asked.

"Uh- sure." You awkwardly replied.

"Oh sorry, dude. I forgot that..." They awkwardly said.

"You're fine, don't worry about." You rolled your eyes and turned your attention back to the game.

You were one of the few gay guys in your group, and by few you really meant the second one. The other guy was a cute first year named Kaido. Dating him had always been out of the question, you were in your third year at Karasuno and already had a boyfriend for the past 2 years. Daichi Sawamura, the wonderful captain of the boys volleyball team.

"Damn, soccer girls have some thick thighs." You heard someone comment.

You were a bit grossed out by the comment, the person who said it obviously didn't know the girls, but you couldn't help but think, "Daichi's are thicker."

(A/N: This line was the only reason for me to find that picture above)

Speak of the devil, Daichi started texting you as you thought about him. You were pretty sure the game was almost done, and you could just quickly go to walk with Daichi back from him volleyball practice. Sometimes you couldn't make it to his Saturday practices because you were busy with the bois, but you always tried to walk him home.

Daichi 💖💗
I just got done with practice
I'll be out in a few minutes

I thought practice ended at 6

Daichi 💖💗
It always ends at 5
If you cant make it thats fine
I'll walk home on my own

Ill be there before your done
Give ne a minute

You quickly got up, apologizing as you pushed passed some people to get to the end of the row.

"Hey, where are you going?" (F/N) called.

"Volleyball!" You quickly said then ran out of the school soccer field as quickly as you can. The volleyball gym was half way across campus, the soccer field was pretty far back from the school.

You practically sprinted towards the school building then quickly made it to the volleyball gym where you proceeded to die from all the running you just did. You coughed and wheezed at the side of the building for a bit until a worried looking Asahi popped his head out from the gym.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" He asked.

"Yup- just fine!" You gave him a thumbs up.

"Is Daichi still here?" You asked.

"Yeah, he's changing. He's pretty scary right now, I don't think he's happy." Asahi replied.

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