Chapter 20

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Multiple award-winning actress and singer Lea Salonga is renown across the world for her powerful voice and perfect pitch. She is best known for her Tony Award winning role in Miss Saigon. Many fans of all ages recognize her as the singing voice of Princess Jasmine from Aladdin and Fa Mulan. For her portrayal of the beloved princesses, the Walt Disney Company bestowed her with the honor of "Disney Legend".

She covered her mouth in shock while reading the article from the internet. It was published in the year 2000 by an unknown website. Never in her mind that something like this exists since she woke up from a long sleep. She doubts still, she waited for the image to load. And with complete surprise, there she saw several photos of her, singing, acting on theatre stage, and even guesting in a talk show she has no idea about. With trembling hands, she stood up and took a glass of water. Her body and mind couldn't process everything she has just read. The article, the pictures, it was indeed her. She needed to breathe and lean on the chair.

How could this be possible?

If she was a known celebrity across the world, how come no one in Chambord had ever told her nor has she known from hear says something as conspicious as this.

Her thoughts now in fragments, she could hardly piece them together. She couldn't decide what to do. She stopped reading the article, too reluctant to go further or she's not ready to face whatever truth will hand her over. This is too much for now for her to handle. She held her head and closed her eyes tightly. She's beginning to breathe uneven and this is not what she wants her son to see when he arrived. She managed to check the time and it's already almost six in the evening, meaning her son would be home anytime soon. She walked near her bedside table and took her medicine. She does breathing exercise to calm herself.

A loud ring outside made her heart skipped for a second. She closed the website and immediately walked outside her room to open the door. It must be her son.

A wide smile of Gabriel welcomed her upon opening the door so she smiled instantly. Gabriel hugged her and whispered "I missed you mom." Lea rubbed her son's head causing his hair to disarray. Again, Lea took a deep breath and followed her son at the dining area. She has prepared their dinner earlier tonight so she won't forget anymore.

"¿Cómo está tu día, mamá? ¿Qué hiciste esta vez? (How's your day mom? What did you do this time?)" Gabriel asked after he sipped his water. Lea stopped and looked at her son for a moment, then turned her gaze away "Uhm, Limpié mi habitación... sí. Y sabes, haciendo cosas al azar. Viendo, escuchando música... (I cleaned my room... yes. And you know, doing random stuff. Watching, listening to music...)" her son was nodding all along.
"¿Por qué no ves una película en el cine? ¿O tal vez podrías inscribirte en las actividades que quieras? ¿Qué crees, Mamá? Para que no te aburras. (Why don't you watch a movie in cinema? Or maybe you could enroll on activities you want? What do you think mother? So you won't get bored.)" he suggested with an encouraging smile. Lea just laughed "No estoy aburrido. Siempre consigo algunas cosas que hacer. (I'm not bored. I always get myself some things to do.)" she explained. Gabriel doesn't seem to believe.
"Oye, disfruta de tu baloncesto, ¿vale? Siempre tengo algo que hacer, no me molestes. (Hey, just enjoy your basketball okay? I always have something to do, don't bother.)" she assured him.
"Okay." finally, he surrendered. Lea stares at him for few more seconds before getting back on her food.

She was lying in her bed, the night is calm but not her mind. The article on the internet keeps on bugging her, they keep on telling her to dig deeper. It's as if telling her to research more. But she can't control herself to feel uneasy. She fell asleep thinking about the article as it kept lurking around her head.


The road was busy as usual, people passing by back and forth. Sounds of the engine revving up can be heard anywhere.

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