Asthma Pt.3

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The shuffling of clothes.

The squeak of-

What was that?

Something cold and soft was pressing into his face, forming a pear-shaped circle around his mouth and nose.

Wow, rude, he thought, half delirious as he shifted in hopes of dodging around this strange violation. Just go away, he thought miserably, heart beating to the rhythm of his headache. Compulsively Hiro's eyes opened, thick black lashes pulling apart and revealing a world of white a frighteningly short distance away from his face. He mentally traced the two black circles joined by a thin line for a moment before coming to terms with the idea that he was no longer peacefully, blessedly alone.

The very second he caught sight of the awkward blob-thing cupped over his mouth and nose, Hiro jerked back. Wildly kicking out his legs- "Woah!" -he was harshly reminded of his unstable perch when it shot out from under him- "Hiro!"- for the second time that day. Yelping with surprise he tumbled towards the floor only to be caught by bulbous, steady, vinyl hands. The world around him spun wildly as he was lifted up and held against something warm.


When he'd finally managed to collect himself, Hiro found the familiar face of his brother's robotics project staring down at him with what could have been an imploring expression in his fathomless black eyes.

"You fell," Baymax stated, as though his patient had no idea what had happened. Which really wasn't all that surprising given the incredulous expression on Hiro's face.

"What the-" he rasped, coughing in attempts to clear his throat and causing another fit. "Gaaahhh," he moaned miserably, trying to lift a hand up so he could rub at his sore throat. He found himself completely immobile, wrapped snugly in the large surprisingly comfortable bot's arms. Catching movement from the corner of his eye, he met Tadashi's amused grin with an irritated scowl.

"What are you trying to do to me?" he croaked as though he thought his brother might be trying to perform strange and grotesque experiments on him.

At the sound of his voice Tadashi grimaced in commiseration and remarked, "Geeze, Bonehead, how many frogs are you hiding down there?"

There was a quick buzz from above him as Baymax scanned his patient with an almost distressed movement.

"My scans indicate that Hiro has zero frogs inside of him," he reported quickly. A fond smirk lifted both brother's faces before Fred decided it was time to resurface and suddenly bounded forward, swinging his body across Baymax's shoulder with excitement equivocal to a 3 year old on a candy high.

"But what if they're invisible frogs?!"

Tadashi was half tempted to slap his hand against his forehead. Meanwhile, Baymax tilted his head to the side curiously and pointed out that "he had no knowledge that such a thing existed in his database."

"Alright, well, whatever is going on can stop now," Hiro began uncertainly, "I need to get to my next class..."

In response his health care guard dog tightened his grip, "I would highly recommend against that."

"Oh yeah," Tadashi agreed, eyebrows raising as he gave his brother a look that clearly promised a future lecture, "You're going home Bonehead."

"What?" the younger squawked, wriggling unsuccessfully in Baymax's arms, "Why- I'm fin-" aaaannnd more coughing.

Aware that'd he blown any chance he'd had at proving himself well (not that he'd had a chance to begin with) Hiro unleashed a fussy groan and went limp.

Just some cute Bighero6 fluff/smut -NOW- with star wars father Vader :)Where stories live. Discover now