Asthma Pt. 1

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It had been years since Hiro had suffered his last asthma attack and he'd forgotten just how sucky they were. Lying curled up on his side in the dark like a little pathetic ball of misery he sniffled and choked and tried to persuade the world to stop spinning around him. Clutching his blankets in a vice-like-grip he squeezed his eyes shut and desperately tried to regain his composure before the sounds of his wheezing woke his brother.

About twenty-four minutes ago he'd woken up, blearily, to the realization that he couldn't get a clear breath. Most people probably would have panicked but, with his previous asthmatic related experiences the youngest Hamada lay where he was entirely unperturbed by his situation. He'd hoped that, with time, the damn attack would diminish on its own and so far it had. If he stayed in bed it was possible that he could persuade his bronchi to stop inflaming with no medical attention but a quick glance at the clock expressed the futility of that plan. With a short huff the adolescent peeled his way out of his sheets, grabbed a pair of clothes set beside the bed, and tiptoed to the bathroom.

He was grateful, if not a bit confused at the start, to find himself waking up in his own bed earlier. Tadashi must have put him there before turning in the night before. Hiro was admittedly uncomfortable, however, when he found out that his brother had also changed him into his pajamas while he slept.

He wondered if Tadashi had noticed anything...

Mortified by the possible revelation of his scars, Hiro blushed at himself as he reached behind the shower curtain and turned the faucet. While the water worked to heat itself behind him he opened the cupboard behind the mirror and fished around for an inhaler. He was just beginning to wonder if they had any left when he came across a golden discovery at the farthest side of the cabinet.

Sure, the thing was old, expired, and dusty but it wasn't like Hiro needed much albuterol anyway. Shaking the red canister vigorously he slipped out of his pajamas and took a puff, inhaling sharply and holding his breath as he threw the object to the counter. Slipping into the shower he slowly exhaled through his nose, basking in the stinging heat of the rushing water for a few moments while he caught his breath.

By the time he was finished the young Hamada's inflamed bronchi had returned to relative normalcy. Clean, more than 25% awake, breathing, and as ready as he could be for the day he slipped out of the bathroom with a toothbrush sticking out of his mouth. His nose was still a little stuffy and mucous bobbed in his sore throat every time he swallowed but he easily set these discomforts out of his mind as trotted down the stairs. Tadashi's first class wouldn't start until 8:00 but he'd probably been up late last night so Hiro did his best to keep himself quiet as he continued preparing for the morning. It was also a Friday so things were going to be busy in the café today. He took care to be quiet for his Aunt as well.

His backpack was down by the stairs with the rest of his stuff so, after setting some toast in the toaster he ran down to slip on his shoes and bundle up. When he was all ready to go he had two slices of buttered toast in his hands and one foot out the door. The morning chill was gripping and merciless, swirling into his agitated lungs and, unbeknownst to Hiro, worsening his condition.

Too hungry to notice the way the cold air temporarily stole his lungs, he eagerly began inhaling his sparse breakfast as he hurried down the street to the corner with the tram sign. Breath pluming in front of his mouth and panting slightly by the time he arrived Hiro leaned against the pole and devoured his last slice of bread, glancing both directions in search of his ride. Before long the tram turned around a bend and came into sight. Smiling tiredly he shouldered his bag and shook away the stars that suddenly bloomed across his vision as the machine approached.

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