SW oneshot

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The narrow ledge their duel had taken them to broke off unexpectedly. With a desperate, force-enhanced jump, Luke leapt and managed to land on the shore of ashes, precious meters away from the molten lava, so hot that even looking into its direction it burned on the face uncomfortably. But mid jump he lost hold on his lightsaber. With dismay, he saw that it clattered over the gravel coming to rest much closer to the scorching stream right at Vader's feet. There was no way he could retrieve it.

With a pang in his heart, Luke turned around. It hurt to lose the only keepsake he had of his father to the man that had killed him. Bur their duel, if it could even be called that, had been a very one sided one. Vader was merely toying with him. That had become clearer to Luke with every easily blocked attack and every halfhearted counter attack. Now unarmed he wouldn't stand a prayer against the Sith. If he wished to survive he needed to run before Vader would give chase.

Luke dashed away, checking every few steps if Vader was closing in. But he wasn't. For some incomprehensible reason, Vader just stood there, his back turned to Luke, looking out on the lava stream as if he had frozen up right where he had landed.

Luke slowed his steps a little, frowning. He threw another glance back to Vader, who had still yet to make a move. His imposing dark form was set off starkly against the hellish red gleam of the lava.

Something wasn't right.

Why wasn't Vader moving? Surely it must be scorching hot there, so close to the lava. Maybe his suit protected him, Luke thought. He stepped up his pace again. He needed to get away or Vader would kill him.

It had been a foolish endeavor to say the least. What had he been thinking, seeking out Vader on this planet housing his base? But when he had read the newly gathered intel the rebel alliance had procured about Vader's activities on Mustafar, Luke had delved into daydreams of finally confronting and killing his father's murderer.

Well, the intel had been right and Luke had stumbled right into Vader not long after he had landed on the hostile planet. Vader had found him before Luke had even made up his mind if he should infiltrate the large foreboding structure towering above the lava streams. And he had wasted no time to engage Luke in combat. Luke would be lucky to get away alive. Or maybe not lucky, it seemed Vader had lost his interest in chasing him around.

Luke dared another look back to the Dark Lord. He still hadn't moved.

Something wasn't right.

The feeling nagged at him, but Luke tried to quash it. He should concentrate to locate his X-Wing. But he couldn't quite shake the unease churning in his guts. Luke turned around again now coming to a full halt. He stared over to Vader, gasping in air, the heat making breathing painful.

Why wasn't Vader moving. His mask was angled down at the lava as if he was staring transfixed into it. Clearly the heat wasn't affecting him as much as it had Luke. Or was it? Incredulous Luke watched as the bottom of Vader's cape, moving faintly in the hot winds, was catching fire, yet Vader was making no move.

Maybe he somehow couldn't move anymore. Luke shook his head. He should turn and run, he told himself. If Vader would burn to death he should be happy with that. Served that Monster right, for killing Ben, for killing Anakin Skywalker, for torturing Leia. For all his crimes.

But Luke didn't quite manage to unbolt his feet from the ground. No, this wasn't right, no one deserved to die like this, not even Vader.

"Hey!" he called out.

Vader didn't even twitch.

Something definitely wasn't right.

For another moment Luke hesitated, then he made up his mind.

"Ah, hells," he cursed, dashing back to where Vader stood. He ignored the small voices in his head sounding a lot like Han and Leia, berating him for what might as well be the last foolishness he'd ever do. With every step the heat became more intense. Luke stopped some cautious steps away from Vader.

"Hey, you gotta move!" he shouted. But Vader didn't even acknowledge his presence.

Luke hesitated again. He had no intention to bring himself in Vader's striking range again. Maybe Vader was simply luring him in. But no, the flames were slowly licking up the cape, this couldn't be right.

Wishing that he wasn't signing off his own death sentence with this, Luke crossed the last few steps to Vader. He grabbed one of his arms, pulling. Vader took a stumbling step toward him, but his gaze never left the lava stream. So close by, Luke noticed that the usual measured mechanical hiss of the respirator sounded a lot fainter, merely a feeble wheeze.

"Are you crazy?" Luke pulled again. "Do you want to die?"

Vader continued to ignore him. Was he sleeping behind that mask? The flames were working their way up the stupid cape. Luke fumbled with the small chain at Vader's throat that kept it in place. Finally it got loose and he let the fabric fall to the ground. The heat from the lava was almost unbearable. He couldn't stand it much longer.

Luke pulled again at Vader's arm, and the towering giant made another stumbling step toward him. But they weren't making enough progress like this. Luke needed to come up with a better idea. He wrapped Vader's arm around him, putting in all his effort. Agonizingly slowly they made their way over the ash covered ground, the heat becoming a little less intense with every step. Vader now heavily leaned on Luke his weight almost too much.

Luke looked up the small cliff they had fallen down. Alone he'd be able to climb it, but there was no way he could get Vader's bulk up there. But maybe he didn't need to. They seemed far enough from the lava. He could leave Vader here to recover from whatever had caused him to just stop working. It seemed ludicrous to think that someone like Vader could freeze in fear, but any other explanation for his odd behavior was even more laughable.

Luke tried to maneuver Vader to the ground slowly, but he couldn't support his weight. Vader landed with a heavy thump on his back, pulling Luke with him, his arm still wrapped around Luke.

"Kreth." Luke tried to loosen the firm hold. He had done his bit, now he needed to get away or Vader would wake up from his stupor. Luke strongly doubted that Vader would have any qualms offing him despite just having saved his life. With relief Luke finally shook off the heavy arm. But in that moment Vader stirred. The mask turned to look at him. Luke tried to jump back, but Vader had already caught his wrist in a firm grasp.

"Son?" he rasped.

"What?" Luke pulled against the grip. "I'm not..." Maybe it had been too hot for Vader after all and now he had truly lost it.

"Son...," Vader was staring at him intently.

Yep, Vader had officially lost it. Luke would have snorted at the notion of someone like Vader having children, but right now he had other things to worry about. Frustrated he pried at the fingers, but he managed to get out of the vice-like hold. Maybe he could somehow convince Vader to let go.

"Alright, yeah. It's me, your son. Now you need to let me go so I can get help!" he tried. Miraculously the grip on him eased a little bit.

"Son." Vader repeated, a little firmer.

Encouraged Luke nodded enthusiastically. "I'm here. Now you just-" But in that moment Vader sat up alarmingly fast, his body tension returning and his. Reaching become a lot steadier. Luke reared back, but the hand around his wrist was closing again and Vader pulled him down. Luke pushed against the armored chest, but to no avail. When Vader spoke next he sounded much more like he usually did.

"Foolish child."


Just some cute Bighero6 fluff/smut -NOW- with star wars father Vader :)Where stories live. Discover now