Star wars

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Hours must have passed. Hours of anxious waiting and pacing for Bail Organa, while around him Darth Vader was consolidating his power, directing his ground forces to snuff out the pockets of resistance rallied from the Imperial Military Headquarter and sending orders to his fleet in orbit and across the galaxy. Hours in which Luke's unchanged condition was being monitored and tended to by the stoic field medic and each demand from Bail to remove Luke to a medbay was ignored. From time to time the medic quietly conversed with Vader, always out of earshot from Bail. The Stormtrooper still stood immovable above Luke, squeezing the bag with fluids to push them into Luke's system a little faster.

Finally reinforcements and a medical capsule had arrived and Vader had changed his mind. Luke was placed cautiously inside the capsule, hooked up to sensors and medical machinery to ease his breathing and wrapped in thermal blankets. Throughout all the hours, Luke hadn't stirred again, quieted by pain killers and sedatives, blissfully oblivious of the ruckus around him. Bail was dismayed but barely surprised to learn that Luke was to be transported to a military facility for treatment. At this point, he'd take anything if only it meant that Luke finally received the medical attention he so urgently needed, even if it were to be Palpatine's own room.

Vader stuck close to the capsule as it was pushed through the darkened and deserted corridors of the palace, occasionally marred with scorch marks, evidence of the fighting that had broken out. Bail didn't let himself be deterred by it. He would not let his son out of his sight for even a minute and if it was the last thing that he'd do.

He was surprised when their journey led them to the large courtyard in front of the palace now occupied with the massive shape of a Star Destroyer, looking even more ridiculously oversized wedged in between the high-rises around, some of which appeared to be damaged by the forceful descend of the enormous vessel. Bail imagined the ten-meter-high marble statue of Palpatine, erected to commemorate Palpatine's rise to power, that had previous stood in the middle of this square had been plain flattened by the bulk crushing down on it.

From boarding ramps, legions of stormtroopers seeped from the destroyer. The capsule with Luke pushed up one ramp, cleared for their little procession, and into the vessel. Bail stoically followed it through the sterile, grey corridors of the warship. If they wouldn't keep him from his son by force, he wouldn't leave no matter where they were heading.

To Bail's relief, their journey ended in the medical bay. Now he was in the observation room, his ability to help his son reduced to pacing the length of the large transparisteel windows that gave him a good view on the measured frenzy of the medics on the other side where Luke was undergoing treatment.

Luke looked incredibly small and frail on the large operation table, surrounded by medics and medical droids and hooked up to drips and sensors. Every inch of the exposed skin on his chest and arms was etched with darkening bruises and marks, bearing witness to the torment he must have had to endure in the past few hours since Bail had last seen him. A breathing mask covered most of his face, and Bail struggled to remember the smile on it when they had seen each other at the party and earlier in the senate. It seemed like a lifetime ago, no just mere hours.

The observation room was dead silent except for his footsteps, no sound of the commotion next door was coming through the transparisteel viewpane. It made Bail feel almost as removed and far away from Luke as he had in the past months when Luke had been half across the galaxy.

The door hissed open, breaking the silence harshly. Vader strode in, a medic following at his heels, hastily finishing up a report.

"...once the preparations are complete, he will be immersed in bacta to promote his healing," the medic finished his report.

Just some cute Bighero6 fluff/smut -NOW- with star wars father Vader :)Where stories live. Discover now